
Pros Tee Off For Clark Gillies Foundation Golf Invitational

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NHL Pierre Larouche star shows friends how to golf, hockey stick style! (Photo by Tab Hauser)

Sports celebrities came out swinging — their golf clubs, that is — when the nonprofit Clark Gillies Foundation held its annual Golf Invitational at the Huntington Crescent Club on July 28.

The former pro hockey player who helped lead the New York Islanders to four straight Stanley Cup wins four decades ago founded the nonprofit to improve the quality of life of children who are physically, developmentally, and/or financially challenged. The golf invitational is one of the group’s biggest annual fundraisers.

Besides Gillies, sports stars in attendance included “Miracle on Ice” U.S. Olympic hockey Team Captain Mike Eruzione, former NBA player Wally Szczerbiak, and NFL great John Schmitt.

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Clark and Pam Gillies with NFL great John Schmitt. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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Trish Posillico and RoseAnn Trentacoste CGF volunteers for 20 years with NBA Wally Szczerbiak. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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Dennis Cutrone, Britt Wenzel, Clark Gillies (HOF NHL), and Pete Johnston. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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Trevor Zuch, Clark Gillies, Morgan Zuch, Nancy and Rod Zuch, Zuch’s are grant recipients of The Clark Gillies Foundation for 20 years and The Morgan Center is named in honor of Morgan Zuch who survived childhood cancer. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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Sal Ferro, CGF Board Member, with friends: Frank Stehlik, Carmino Santomaro, and Travis Mayes. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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Pam Gillies with 1980 “Miracle on Ice” Olympic Capt Mike Eruzione. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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Clark Gillies signing foundation pennants for charity. (Photo by Tab Hauser)
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1980 Miracle on Ice Olympic Captain Mike Eruzione before teeing off for a good cause. (Photo by Tab Hauser)