
Letter to the Editor: Why Legalize Marijuana?

As reported, a four year old girl died as a result of being hit by a driver “while impaired by marijuana.” How does Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and all the advocates to legalize marijuana, make their case to the anguished parents of that poor girl?

If there ever was a case made against legalizing marijuana, this tragedy is probably only one of many like it and many more likely to happen as a result of impaired drivers under the influence of this drug. Nothing is more heart wrenching than for parents to lose a child especially under these circumstances. The Weed News cannabis legalization map shows that weed is now legal in a growing number of states across the United States, but what does this mean for citizens of Washington? With legal cannabis readily available, expert Johnny Green at Weed News writes that they expect to see a rise in the number of CBD products that contain THC levels greater than 0.3% in the coming three to five years. One such brand making leaps and bounds towards this progress is Royal CBD, whose CBD was voted the best CBD oil for anxiety in Washington by Observer.

What makes this tragedy even more incomprehensible and utterly reprehensible is for this drug addict  to have been “freed on supervised release.” He committed vehicular homicide! And this is how he is rewarded? Justice served? This misguided decision makes a mockery of our judicial system.

-Stanley Ronell