
Roslyn Landmark Society Launches Website Focused on Local History

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Roslyn Landmark Society was productive during the pandemic creating a new website as a result of donations from trustees Catherine Chester, John Flynn, Howard Kroplick, John Santos and Craig Westergard, and grants from the Gerry Charitable Trust and the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation.

Roslynlandmarks.org which launches this week features a treasure trove of historic information on over one hundred 17th and 18th century homes in the Village of Roslyn and nearby communities. Landmark president Howard Kroplick who spearheaded the project said, “we wanted a site where residents, historians and students could easily learn who designed these historic properties, the impact their notable owners had on Roslyn and how that was woven into the fabric of an early American village.”

The home page features recent news, Covid-19 updates, Instagram posts and membership and sponsor information. Featured Projects highlights three historic properties including the Roslyn Grist Mill (ca. 1715), tracing its origins as a working mill to its later incarnation as the Roslyn Mill Tea House. Updates and videos on mill’s restoration begun in 2018 are also provided.

Comprehensive information on restored homes, businesses, churches, schools, and statuary can be found on the Projects page. “Our vast archive of digitized photography and historic documents formed the digital narrative for 130 properties” said Roslyn Landmark Society Director Jennifer Lister who added, “in the future, we’ll update the site with even more historic projects.”

A total of 42 Roslyn Landmark Society Annual House Tour Guides is also posted on the site. Masterfully written by local historians, architects and landmark members, including founder Dr. Roger Gerry, the guides include fascinating accounts of the original homeowners and original architectural details.

For additional information about Roslyn Landmark Society and the website, please call Jennifer Lister at (516) 625-4363 or email rlsinfo@optonline.net

 About Roslyn Landmark Society

Founded in 1961 by Dr. Roger and Peggy Gerry, the Roslyn Landmark Society is a 501 (c)(3)  organization whose mission is to provide education, restoration and preservation of historically significant buildings, sites, and decorative elements which document the rich heritage of life and progress in Roslyn and the surrounding historic communities on Long Island.

Fascinating facts found on the Roslyn Landmark Society Website

  • On his tour of Long Island in 1790, President George Washington spent a day in Roslyn visiting with Roslyn Grist Mill owner Hendrick Onderdonk and his family.
  • Former Director of the CIA William J. Casey lived in Roslyn Harbor at Mayknoll (ca. 1855). His funeral at Mary’s Church was attended by President Ronald Reagan and former President Richard M. Nixon.
  • Three stores on Old Northern Boulevard (1353, 1355, and 1363) were built from 1895 to 1905 by Frederick C. Hicks. On October 1, 1981, Madonna gave one of her earliest performances at U.S. Blues located at 1353 Old Northern Boulevard.
  • Six structures associated with Clarence Mackay’s Harbor Hill Estate (designed by Stanford White, ca. 1904) are still standing: the Gate Lodge, Dairyman’s Cottage, Water Tower and John Mackay III’s House, in addition to two Horse Statues.
  • Legendary music venue My Father’s Place was originally built as an auto dealership in 1920. The club featured early performances by Billy Joel, The Police, Madonna and Bruce Springsteen.
  • The oldest in situ residence in Roslyn Estates (ca. 1906) at 51 The Intervale was once the home to China’s Ambassador to the League of Nations.