
Farmingdale School District Announces 2021-22 Proposed Budget

Hockey SchoolLogoThe Farmingdale School District presented its 2021-22 proposed budget to the community at the board of education’s first special meeting/budget workshop on March 17. During the virtual meeting, Farmingdale School District Assistant to the Superintendent for Business Michael Motisi highlighted the district’s forward-thinking and fiscally responsible budget planning for the 2021-22 school year, and explained how the proposed budget helps ensure Farmingdale students continue to receive a true Daler experience amidst the current economic challenges.

Each year, our goal is to design a budget that is responsible to the community, school programs, and is within the tax levy limit. One of the key factors when determining the school tax levy is the CPI for the prior year, but at no point can it be greater than 2 percent. This year, the CPI used for calculating the tax levy limit is 1.23 percent. Despite the revenue shortfall the state is facing as a result of COVID-19, the Farmingdale School District is not projected to receive a reduction in state aid for the 2021-22 school year. The state’s shortfall is being supplemented by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act passed by the federal government in December 2020. This is a one-time source of revenue which is only a Band-Aid on a much larger problem, the state deficit. Recovery from this economic crisis is critical for all New Yorkers and municipalities that rely on the state for portions of their revenue.

“Despite these challenges, we continue to manage the district’s programs and services to meet the expectations of the Farmingdale community,” Assistant to the Superintendent for Business Michael Motisi said. “Our goal with the 2021-22 budget is to attempt to stabilize our financial position in preparation for the future. Looking ahead, we are cautious yet comforted by the support we receive from the community. Their support is not only a testament to the work we do each day, it is also the answer to the challenges we endure.”

The budget presentation included a detailed explanation of the property tax cap; the revenue needed to support District programs, services and facilities; how state aid is allocated and distributed; grants and other forms of revenue; and the purpose of fund balances and reserve. Administration officials also reviewed proposed legislation recommended by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and its potential impact on future district budgets.

The district will be hosting four special meetings, public hearings and budget workshops throughout March, April and May to relay important information listed within the budget and answer the community’s questions. Visit www.farmingdaleschools.org.for more information and a schedule.


The District reminds residents to vote on the 2021-22 proposed budget on Tuesday, May 18, at the Howitt Middle School WEST gymnasium from 6 a.m. – 9 p.m.




Farmingdale School District Budget Vote & Election Important Dates


Wednesday April 14 BOE Regular Meeting/Adopt 2021-22 Budget for Voter Approval

Weldon E. Howitt Middle School – East Cafeteria*  8 p.m.

Tuesday April 20 BOE Meeting/Adopt BOCES Admin. Budget

Weldon E. Howitt Middle School – East Cafeteria*  8 a.m.


Wednesday May 5 BOE Meeting

Weldon E. Howitt Middle School – East Cafeteria*  8 p.m.


Saturday May 8 Voter Registration

Weldon E. Howitt Middle School – East Lobby

3 – 9 p.m.

Tuesday May 11 BOE Meeting/Public Hearing

2021-22 Proposed Budget

Weldon E. Howitt Middle School – East Cafeteria* 8 p.m.


Thursday May 13 Last Day to Register for Budget Vote and Election 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.



Weldon E. Howitt Middle School – West Gymnasium 6 a.m. – 9 p.m.




*Board meeting location subject to change pending executive order suspending in-person meeting requirements of the open meeting law.