KiDS NEED MoRE Luau Gala in Loving Memory of Mitchell Kraeling. (Photo by Ed Shin)
KiDS NEED MoRE hosted its annual gala in memory of Mitchell Kraeling on Aug. 20. at the Coral House in Baldwin. The luau-style event featured a pig roast, festive Hawaiian attire, hula dancers, tiki decor, food, drinks, games, prizes, photo booths, prize wheels, and much more.
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The event raised more than $40,000 for KiDS Need MoRE, a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of children, families, and young adults coping with cancer and life-threatening illness.
Mitch Kraeling and Keith (MC Mystic) Williams. (Photo by Ed Shin)Paul Magro, Terri Magro, Jeanine Spencer, and Dr. Joseph Mills. (Photo by Ed Shin)Cathy Settens and Nina Rosenberg. (Photo by Ed Shin)Champion Elevator – Steven Tilchen, (sitting) Sharon Peach, Paul Peach (Back Row) Linda Tilchen, Mike Zenick, Marc Peper, and Joe Lore. (Photo by Ed Shin)Lucy Sullivan and Scott Sullivan. (Photo by Ed Shin)Mitch Kraeling, Mellisa Firmes-Ray, and Johnny Ray. (Photo by Ed Shin)Johnny Ray and Mitch Kraeling. (Photo by Ed Shin)Michelle Stockdale, Touchstone Crystal. (Photo by Ed Shin)Andrew Sahagun, Aliyah Sumigcay, Angelica Sahagun, Keith (MC Mystic) Williams, Precious Sahagun, and Alvin Sumigcay. (Photo by Ed Shin)Paula Rosenberg, Mitch Kraeling and Nina Rosenberg. (Photo by Ed Shin)Island Inspiration NY. (Photo by Ed Shin)Sal Novello and Eddie Orihuela. (Photo by Ed Shin)KiDS NEED MoRE Luau Gala in Loving Memory of Mitchell Kraeling. (Photo by Ed Shin)
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