
Webinar to Discuss How Dentists Can Save Your Life

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Webinar to Discuss How Dentists Can Save Your Life

Are you aware that regular visits to your dentist could save your life? Join Schneps Media on Wednesday, April 19 at 11 a.m. for an informative webinar with Dr. Parul Dua Makkar, where she will discuss the critical role that dentists play in our overall health.

During the webinar, titled “Dentist: More Than Just Cavity Hunters!”, Dr. Makkar will highlight the importance of early detection of oral cancer, a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. She will shed light on the factors that contribute to the rising incidence of oral cancer cases, and why it’s crucial to get screened during routine dental checkups.

Did you know that your oral care routine has a direct impact on your overall health? Dr. Makkar will also speak about how good oral hygiene practices can prevent various health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even dementia.

As a dentist, Dr. Makkar understands the anxiety that patients face when they visit the dentist. She will provide insights into what dentists look for during dental appointments, and how open conversations with your dentist can help you maintain optimal oral health.

Navigating grief can be overwhelming, especially when it involves a life-threatening illness like cancer. Dr. Makkar will discuss the emotional impact of cancer on families, and how to cope with grief during the aftermath.

The webinar promises to be informative and engaging, with a Q&A session at the end for participants to ask Dr. Makkar questions directly.

Join Schneps Media, the parent company of Long Island Press, on April 19 at 11 a.m. for an enlightening webinar that will change your perception of dentists forever. Register now to secure your spot and take the first step in prioritizing your oral health.

To sign up, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3KqhJRycQf6vrdEfFjAr2w.