
Long Island Woman Creates Toothpaste Tablet Brand to Help Reduce Plastic Waste

toothpaste tablet
Kaylaan’s organic mint toothpaste tablets are sold in tin cans and as refills for the container. (Courtesy Kaylaan)

Long Island Woman Creates Toothpaste Tablet Brand to Help Reduce Plastic Waste

Floral Park resident Deepti Brambl is the founder and engineer of Kaylaan, a toothpaste tablet brand that prides itself on being zero waste.

The idea was born out of the climate anxiety Brambl felt after learning about the severity of the plastic waste problem. She and her husband, toxicologist Wells Brambl, began living a sustainable lifestyle but soon decided that was not enough and partnered to create Kaylaan.

“We decided to combine our skills and at least give it a try to come up with a product that is truly eco-friendly that benefits people and the planet,” says Brambl, who is originally from the Himalayas. “We did an audit of the products that created the most trash and discovered it was toothpaste.”

Brambl recalls producing 87 trials before landing on a chewable toothpaste tablet that was ready for market. They received continuous feedback from friends, family, and Etsy customers to ultimately concoct the product that launched in November 2020.

Kaylaan toothpaste tablets are made with all-natural ingredients such as xylitol, whereas most tubed toothpastes contain sulfates. According to Brambl, xylitol provides “a natural, portable, and efficient tooth-cleaning experience for healthy and sensitive teeth.”

The product also does not leave behind plastic waste. The company estimates that it has prevented more than 100,000 toothpaste tubes from ending up in landfills. More than 1 billion plastic tubes go to landfill worldwide each year and could take up to 500 years to decompose.

Kaylaan has a team of four people and produces its toothpaste tablets in Floral Park, the Long Island village bordering Queens.

The tablets come in several different flavors, including mint, strawberry, blueberry, cinnamon, watermelon, and meem, which is derived from the twigs of the neem tree and is a natural dental solution. Kaylaan also sells eco-friendly toothbrushes and a starter kit.

To learn more, visit kaylaan.com.