On Constitution Day in Westbury, friends, family, colleagues and Westbury Village residents came together to mark the retirement of Judge Tom Liotti and to celebrate his many accomplishments as a lawyer. judge and human being.
The theme of the night was gratitude—gratitude for our founding documents and for Judge Liotti, who, we were told, always carries a copy of the Constitution with him during his 32 years as a Westbury Village Justice. To remind us of the basis of our democracy, Westbury students read from four documents: Declaration of Independence read by Chikinkira Guevara; Preamble of the Constitution read by Tristan Ewing; and the Bill of Rights ready by Monica Reyes. The national anthem was sung by Asha Brown and Yuliana Mata Bonilla sang Gold Bless America.
Speakers were Mayor Peter Cavallaro, Justice Dana Boylan, Hon. Peter Skelos, Acting Village Justice Elizabeth Pessada, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jen DeSena, Hon. Robert Troiano and Hon. Robert Simmons.
Judge Liotti says he is most proud of receiving the Nassau County Human Rights Commission’s Martin Luther King Jr. Award for extraordinary work as village judge, community activist and civil rights Case Attorney.
Visit the village website here.