
Daler’s Product, My Cow Moo Aims to Help Children Creatively

It’s only appropriate that the creator of an educational children’s product called My Cow Moo lives in FARMingdale.

Kimberly Arezzi said she created My Cow Moo a few years ago in an effort to “help teach children how to express their voices through media by focusing on imaginative play, make-believe and co-creation.”

“Something as simple as taking a photo shows the world your perspective of a moment,” Arezzi explained, in cow lingo. “By cowbining those photos, Moo hopes to inspire your child to become a silly story teller too.”

Through their website, www.mycowmoo.com, users will be also share their own moomeries and create their own stories with their cow pals.

According to Arezzi, My Cow Moo and its website “train the brain for cognitive thinking and storytelling, help develop language art skills and oral communications and teach children how to engage in imaginary play and disbelief.”

“Moo’s goal is to remind us all that it is fun to be silly and laugh … and that it is easy to be a good person,” she added.

Formed in 2007, Moo started to take life in early 2005. Arezzi was a journalist who accidentally fell into manufacturing and retail after 9/11. Eventually landing a job in the toy industry and “realized that there weren’t a lot of toys that represented my view of today’s child and the participatory world he/she lives in.”

“I just wanted to inspire a different type of play that didn’t focus solely on computers but more on imaginative play and cognitive thinking skills – some of the play that we have lost with the rapid evolution of media,” she added. “As time went on, Moo evolved into a character with character. Moo’s stories morphed into a brand, My Cow Moo.”

By the spring of 2005, Arezzi’s initial concepts were created into samples. She began holding focus groups to gauge a response from kids.

“Very quickly I realized that there was something really ‘sticky’ about Moo with both kids and adults,” she added. “Moo began to take on a life all of her own in my office; instead of coming to see me, people came to see Moo. Suddenly she was Miss Popularity and I couldn’t help but wonder the legs Moo might have if I really gave it a go.”

Last year Arezzi wrote and published seven books relating to Moo and while she did not find any “moola” at trade shows, she gained “a lot of confidence in the product, ourselves and that we could make a connection with people.”

Instead of pursuing big box retailers, Arezzi tried directing her product to a specialty market.

“At our first specialty show, we were selected as one of the top four concepts at the show by www.toymanreviews.com,” she added.

On Aug. 25 Arezzi found out she and Moo received their first product recognition award – The Toy Man Seal of Approval.

Currently Arezzi and Moo participate in children’s day events with Citibank in Suffolk County. At our Citibank events, Moo hosts story time, hands out pieces of snackage, tattoos, balloons and sells her product.

“Through networking we met the branch manager for the Smith Haven Citibank,” she added. “Our discussions lead to us creating a special book to address money issues.”

Moo was featured in the Aug. 1 issue of Celebrity Parents Magazine. Future work for Arezzi and Moo included an event with Toys R Us in Times Square this November.

For more information “cowstumers” can visit www.mycowmoo.com or email moo@mycowmoo.com.