Thank You For Participating In Village Blood Drive
I would like to thank the residents and employees who donated blood Wednesday, Oct. 21. I am pleased to report that 14 pints of blood were collected. You can feel proud of your personal involvement in helping those who depend on blood for life giving support. Since there is no substitute for human blood, and no way of knowing when it may be needed to save or sustain the life of a family member, a co-worker, a friend or other members of the community, we must be sure that enough blood is available at all times to meet the needs of our area’s hospitals and their patients.
Again, thank you and we look forward to your participation in our next blood drive in March 2010.
Senior Citizen Flu Immunization Program
In addition to the Nassau Health Care Corporation and the Nassau County Departments of Senior Citizen Affairs and Health, North Shore LIJ Health Systems, Long Beach Medical Center, St. Francis and New Island Hospitals have partnered with many organizations to offer seasonal influenza immunizations to seniors. Walgreens, 1300 Franklin Avenue, Garden City is giving flu shots on an on-going basis from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a cost of $24.99. Their telephone number is 535-1201.
Call the Nassau County Department of Senior Citizens Affairs at 227-8900.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Savings Time ended Sunday, Nov. 1. Residents are reminded that clocks should have been set back one hour. This is also a good time to check your smoke and carbon monoxide batteries. In fact, it is recommended that you install new batteries twice a year to be sure they are always working properly. If you do replace your batteries, please be aware that there is a box for recycling batteries in the Business Office at Village Hall.
Board of Trustees’ Meeting Schedule
The next regularly scheduled board of trustees’ meetings for the month of November are Nov. 5 and Nov. 19.
Holiday Week Garbage/Rubbish Collection
Village offices were closed Tuesday, Nov. 3, in observance of Election Day. There was no regular garbage or recycling pickup on Election Day. The holiday week collection is as follows:
Western Half of the Village (West of Rockaway Avenue)
Monday and Thursday
Eastern Half of the Village (East of Rockaway Avenue)
Wednesday and Friday
Residents scheduled for recycling on Election Day need to put their recyclables out on Tuesday, Nov. 10. All other recycling days remain the same. Rubbish collection has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Nov. 11.