Dance Showcase Reminder
This is a reminder for any child in Grades 3 and up who is registered for one of our dance classes and wants to participate in our year-end showcase. Your registration form for the showcase is now due. Rehearsals will begin the week of Nov. 30.
Children’s Indoor Instructional Tennis Program
The Recreation Department’s Winter Session of Children’s Tennis for ages 4-18 is quickly filling. These classes begin the week of Jan. 4 and run through April. Please visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Avenue to register for any of our classes.
Registration for Preschool Arts and Crafts Has Begun
The Garden City Recreation Department will run a preschool arts & crafts program in Cluett Hall for children who are 3 and a half to 5 years of age. This program is open to Garden City residents only. Each week your child will make a project to take home following the seasons, holidays or other interesting topics. Our classes run for six weeks and are 45 minutes long. We will hold classes on the following days and times:
Tuesday at noon begins Nov. 10
Thursday at 12:15 p.m. begins Nov. 5
The cost of this six-week program is $30. To register, visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Avenue.
Adult Programs in the Field House
The Recreation Adult Programs in the Field House began Tuesday, Oct. 13, according to the following schedule:
Mens’ Open Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Over 40 Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Over 30 Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Open Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Mens’ Over 40 Basketball 7:30-10 p.m.
Adult Volleyball 7:30-10 p.m.
Adult Soccer 8:30-10 p.m.
These programs are open to residents of the Inc. Village of Garden City who have graduated from high school. All programs listed are free of charge and strictly “pick up.” Any resident wishing to participate must show their license each week in addition to signing in. A non-resident guest may play but must be accompanied by a resident to enter.
Women’s Tennis League Openings
The department is looking for a few players to help round out its tennis leagues for the indoor season. We have a half share opening in the Tuesday 2.5 Doubles that plays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; there is also an opening in the Friday 3.0+ Singles league that plays from noon to 1 p.m. If interested, call Steve Espey at the Community Park Tennis Center at 483-2525.