
Editorial: Time for Action

This issue of the Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot contains an interesting story about the Town of Oyster Bay’s new anti-loitering law. It is interesting in that the issue is addressed in relation to safety on the road.

What is really great in the story about the Hispanic Cultural Center in Oyster Bay is that they have been working to solve problems before they happen. They are bringing their members into the community in the best way.

That was one of the comments Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Venditto made at the ordinance hearing at Town Hall on May 26. He said Locust Valley may need its own CCH.

It is a great idea, seeing how well Oyster Bay has handled the issues for many, many years. Teachers Rosemary Colvin and before her Betty Lewis have worked with the community seeing the need and providing help in learning English.

The people coming to America are staying in America. Their children are Americans. They are us.

We just have to accept that and get on with it.

It’s been done here in Oyster Bay, we just have to spread the concept to other areas and accept the reality that if we do some work before things happen – we will have a better outcome.