Truck Stop
Friday, January 8
New Years Walk
Sunday, January 10
Oyster Bay – Early Settlement Through 1920
Tuesday, January 12
Friday, January 8
Truck Stop
A new musical that ponders the old time challenges of good versus evil, will have its inaugural run at the newly restored, historical stage at Oyster Bay High School. The premiere showing brings to the forefront the questions surrounding human behavior. The show runs Jan. 8 and 9 and 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. and matinees Jan. 10 and 17 at 3 p.m. At the truck stop, a mystical traveler finds himself among the workers in a diner. While there, various situations arise – and not for the better, with an unexpected ending that will have you glued to your seats. Long Island residents Frank Roman and George Petersen (Garden City) blend their writing, lyrical, and musical talents culminating in a new musical sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Directed by Todd Balch. Advanced tickets are available at Tickets $18 in advance; $20 at the door. This show is not intended for children.
Owl Prowl
Winter is here and has brought crisp cool air, short days and owls. It is time again for the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center to offer the ever popular Owl Prowl programs. As a new twist this year the January Owl Prowls will take place at Planting Fields Arboretum in the Greenhouse Classroom, Oyster Bay. Featuring a live owl presentation, allowing participants to learn about and get an up-close look at these otherwise secretive hunters of the night. Learn about the Eastern Screech and Great Horned Owls. After the presentation, venture outside to listen for the calls of owls and attempt to attract these wild creatures closer. 7 to 9 p.m. Members $7; nonmembers $10.Registration required. Call 922-3200. Also on Jan. 22.
Sunday, January 10
New Years Walk
Explore the ponds and woods of Bailey Arboretum in Lattingtown with Dan Kriesberg, inspiring naturalist and science teacher. Fun for the whole family. Start off your new year with a renewed appreciation for the natural world. 2 to 3 p.m. No charge. Donations appreciated. The Children’s Habitat is open every day, year-round. Go to or call 571-8020.
Special Places at Muttontown Hike
The hike will cover several areas of the Muttontown Preserve including the “Succession Field Trail,” onetime farmland that has been reclaimed over the years by woods; the “Tall Conifers,” comprising white pine, spruce and larch planted in 1909; “Hidden Pond,” a kettle pond tucked away in the preserve where participants can engage in bird-watching; and “Glacial Kame,” a type of hilly deposit formed during the ice age. The walk will cover three miles over somewhat rough terrain. 10 a.m. to noon. Enrollment for the hike ($5) is limited and preregistration is required by calling 571-8500 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hike will begin at the Bill Paterson Nature Center on the preserve, Muttontown Ln., south of 25A, East Norwich.
Tuesday, January 12
Oyster Bay – Early Settlement Through 1920
The Syosset Library Local History Club hosts John Hammond, official historian of the Town of Oyster Bay. Mr. Hammond is a renowned historian and noted author, whose ancestors arrived on the Mayflower and whose family has lived in Oyster Bay since 1653. He will share his extensive knowledge of the rich history of Oyster Bay Town. Free. Refreshments will be served. 2 p.m. in Meeting Room B/C.
Winter Computer Classes for Seniors
If Santa brought you a new computer and you need some help, you can start off the New Year by registering for computer classes. EAC’s SeniorNet Computer Learning Centers in Hempstead and New Hyde Park are offering computer classes Jan. 12 and Feb. 2. The classes are for people who have never used a computer before as well as the more experienced user. Volunteer instructors and coaches make learning fun. Imagine sending emails to grandchildren, chatting with friends in other states and learning to edit and organize digital photos. Call 539-0150, ext. 130, to request a brochure or register in person at EAC, 50 Clinton St,, Hempstead, Suite 202. There is a small fee for class materials.
Sunday, January 17
Catch of the Day Fundraiser
At Popei’s , 760 Grand Ave., Deer Park, from 1 to 5 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the feral cat programs at Last Hope Animal Rescue of Syosset. Complete dinner, Chinese auction and raffle. $40 per person. Space limited. Call 527-2327, 220-6695 or 631-205-5069.