
Estates Nominating Committee Nominates Village Trustee, BOE Trustee Candidates

Guest Speaker, Cyril Smith, to Give Historical Presentation at POA Meeting

The Property Owners’ Association of Garden City Estates, Inc. has announced that its Nominating Committee has selected candidates for election to be presented at a meeting being held on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Stratford School auditorium. All Estates residents are urged to attend and vote. You may also take this opportunity to join the Estates POA. Dues are only $10 per household.

The January meeting actually consists of two parts. The first part of the meeting is the “Electors’ Meeting” at which we nominate, under the Village Community Agreement, persons to be voted on by the village residents for the positions of village trustee and school board trustee. The second part will be our regular POA meeting.

At this particular Electors’ meeting, Estates residents will be voting on a person for the position of village trustee and also a person for the position of school board trustee. Additional details about the election process can be found in our most recent newsletter, in our bylaws and on the POA website at www.gcestates.org.

Colleen Foley of Kilburn Road is the nominee for school board trustee. Colleen is the current Estates POA School Board trustee (BOE trustee) of Garden City School District and she serves as the president of that board. Colleen has served on the BOE as trustee from the Estates POA since 2001 and has held the position of vice president from 2005 to 2008.

Brian Daughney of Euston Road is the nominee for village trustee. Mr. Daughney has served as the POA president for the last two years. He is also the Chair of the Joint Conference Committee of the four POA groups. He has been a director of the Estates POA since 2006 and previously served as a member and the chairman of the Nominating Committee and a member of the Bylaws committee, which substantially revised the bylaws of the POA in 2007.

The POA also announces that there will be a special lecture about the founding and development of the Estates area given by Cyril Smith, a village resident. There will be historical pictures and slides and information provided about past landmarks such as the Estates area airfield used to complete the first airmail plane trip in the United States and the developer Gage Tarbell (that is correct – Alexander Stewart did not develop the Estates area). “The lecture should be very interesting to our members and residents of the Estates area, and we welcome all to attend,” stated Mr. Daughney, Estates POA president.