
Garden City Thunder Football Now Accepting Applications

Applications are now being accepted for the upcoming 2010 Thunder Football season. If you are 7 years old with a birth date of 12/01/02 or later you are eligible to start a Thunder Football career. To download an application, visit www.gc-aa.com and click on the Thunder Football link or go directly to www.gcthunder.com.

Each year, 230-plus boys from Garden City participate in the Thunder Football program playing eight games per year against other teams in Nassau County. The season begins Aug. 1, which is when teams are eligible to start practice. Typically teams will practice three times during the week in the month of August. Once school begins in September the teams will practice two times during the week, once on Saturday and play the games on Sunday. Locations of the games vary depending on opponent with a split of four home games and four away games. The season will last through early November with the potential for teams to make the playoffs, which could last another two weeks. Age groups and weight limits are as follows:

Age Division   Date of Birth   Max Weight    

7-year old   12/01/02-11/30/03   82-lbs    

8-year old   12/01/01-11/30/02    92-lbs    

9-year old   2/01/00-11/30/01   102-lbs    

10-year old   12/01/99-11/30/00   112-lbs    

11-year old   12/01/98-11/30/99   122-lbs    

To avoid a late fee all applications must be postmarked no later than May 1, 2010. Questions? See contact information below or go to the website for more information: 7 years old: Dan Moscatiello at danmosc@ yahoo.com; 8 years old: Scott Paskewitz at scottpask5@hotmail.com; 9 years old: Dan Moscatiello at danmosc@yahoo.com; 10 years old: Matt Curtin at mcurtin@ metlife.com; and 11 years old: Mike Licitra at MLicitra@AdvantageTitle.com.