
Plainview Water District’s Spring Flushing Program a Success

The Plainview Water District Commissioners Joel Kessler, Edward Shulroff and Andrew Bader announced that the hydrant flushing program this year was a great success.

“The hydrant flushing program is just one example of the many steps we are taking to improve the quality of water supplied to our consumers,” stated Chairman Joel Kessler. “By doing this we were able to assess the quality of our hydrants and the flow of our water system. As we expected, the water system is in great shape and, most importantly, we were able to run these tests with little inconvenience to the residents by having them late at night.”

All flushing activities were performed only between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. from Sunday, April 25, through Wednesday, May 5. The flushing program is designed to remove any accumulation of dissolved materials, which may have settled in the mains. Each and every hydrant in the area has also been inspected to insure its proper operation in the event of an emergency.

For more information, please contact the Plainview Water District at 931-6469 or visit our website http://www.plainviewwater.org.