
School Construction Is Being Completed at a Rapid Pace

Update on School Construction

Dr. Bierwirth said, at the last meeting of the Herricks school board, as he commented on the status of the construction, that he wandered around the Herricks school district like a, “kid in a candy store” and mentioned that the High School gyms look, “so nice” with their new windows and lighting. “It is moving along all over the place very, very fast,” Dr. Bierwirth said.

Tax Levy for 2010-2011

The tax levy for 2010-2011 was established for the school year at $83,746,126. This number was approved by the board and will result in a tax increase of 3.80 percent, as previously stated.

President Christine Turner read off the board statement, which included, “While we do not know what our State aid will be, we believe that we should not change the tax levy we estimated at the time the community voted on the 2010-2011 budget this spring. Consequently, we are setting aside up to $500,000 in fund balance to offset potential losses in State aid.”

Allocation of Funds and Reserves

The Board allocated $763,343 to the Workers Compensation Reserve Fund, $111,969 to the Unemployment Insurance Reserve Fund and $72,618 to the Employees Retirement Contribution Reserve Funds. Helen Costigan, Assistant Superintendent for business, said that all reserves are based on sold formulas. “We are very good in terms of our reserves,” she said.

Replacement of John Deere Payloader

The 20-year old, 1995, John Deere Payloader broke down and will be replaced with a 2010 John Deere 3200 Skid Steer Loader Base with attachments as an ordinary contingent expense under New York State Contract #21635-PF.

Final BOCES Contract and Initial BOCES Contract

The Board approved the Final Contract for Services for the 2009-2010 school year dated July 15, 2010 in the amount of $3,129,786.05 and approved the Initial Contract for Services for the 2010-2011 school year dated July 15, 2010 in the preliminary amount of $3,188,359.34.

S.A.V.E. Booklet

The Safe Schools Against Violence in Education/ Code of Conduct booklet was revised in June, 2010. The Booklet contains the entire Student Code of Conduct and was originally adopted by the Board of Education on June 21, 2001 and reviewed in July 2004.

Dr. Bierwirth explained that the booklet now includes areas such as bullying and the specific ways a child can be bullied, like physical, emotional or more commonly in this day and age, cyber-bullying.

Replacement of Xerox Copy Machines

Four Xerox lease agreements were approved for copy machines, each for a term of 60 months; one for the Community Center, one for the Middle School and two for the High School.

Agreement with the American Red Cross

The Board approved an agreement with the American Red Cross to use Herricks school buildings on a temporary basis as an emergency public shelter.

Infinite Campus Messenger

The Board approved the renewal of the Campus Messenger Voice service with enhancements for the Infinite Campus student information management system. The enhancement of the Infinite Campus Messenger system allows voice and e-mail messages to be sent to every student and parent in the district. The enhancements are provided by ShoutPoint, Inc., 4695 MacArthur Ct., Newport Beach, CA 92660 with a total cost of $15,545.18.

Assistant Principal of Herricks High School Update

With Joan Keegan moving to Assistant Principal of the Middle School, the High School position has yet to be filled. Dr. Bierwirth said they are in the process of checking references of the five candidates. “Generally we don’t check references until we know that somebody is close to the top,” Dr. Bierwirth said.

The meeting was adjourned and the next school board meeting will be held on Sept. 2 where there will also be a Board of Education Building Tour at 10 a.m. at Denton Avenue School. The public is invited to join and all are welcome.