
FLG 2015 Garden City Lacrosse Players Getting it Done at Any Level

Garden City’s Matthew Borges, Kyle Brattan, Nick Gray, Bryan Irwin, Scott Irwin, Brogan Mahon, Jack Tigh and Thomas Wright all contributed to FLG’s lacrosse program this summer. Massapequa-based For the Love of the Game (FLG) Boys 2015 Lacrosse Team had a successful record this summer, winning four out of six tournaments: The Juvenile Diabetes Tournament in Massapequa, Upper Atlantic in Downingtown, PA, Beast of the East, in Amherst, MA and the Harvard Crimson Tournament in Cambridge, MA. Four tournaments were played at their seventh grade age level while tournaments Tri State in Princeton NJ and Lax Max in York PA were each played at the eighth grade age level. While the increase in age level was harder, it helped prepare the 23 players for the eighth-grade level. As the season progressed, the team developed a much greater intellect for the game. Additionally, the coaching staff noticed the team skills growing along with the team chemistry, as well as the Boys overall excitement. During the season and while attending FLG’s one-week summer camp, lifelong friendships were ultimately built.


Team try-outs for Boys 2015, 2016 and 2017 teams will take place on Sunday, Oct. 3 at Cold Spring Harbor High School in Cold Spring Harbor. Try-outs are one day only so please complete the online registration form on the Welcome Page of the FLG website www.4theloveofthegame.org.

About For the Love of the Game (FLG)

FLG is a not-for-profit Lacrosse membership organization based in Massapequa. Founded in 2006 by Bob Jahelka and Mike Winkoff, the organization is comprised of a total of six teams (five boys, one girls), and 141 individual players.

The organization was formed to enhance the quality of Long Island children through the fundamentals of Lacrosse, while in turn assisting the Long Island Community with various outreach programs. Since athletics are a vital part of children’s lives, FLG believes that participation in sports provides excellent preparation for achievement in school and in later years in live. Additionally, the organization hopes to provide the young men and women that compete added exposure to college coaches through Fall, Spring and Summer Lacrosse.

As a not-for-profit organization, FLG is a strong believer in providing community service. Some accomplishments include:

2007: FLG “adopted” three families for the holidays, whereby teams decorated the families’ houses inside and outside while providing them with food, clothing, decorations as wells as holiday gifts.

2008: FLG repeated this Holiday tradition by “adopting” five families.

2008: FLG assisted the Breast Cancer Foundation with their annual drive by stuffing hundreds of envelopes with their annual appeal.

2009 & 2010: FLG, in association with the Metropolitan Lacrosse Foundation and the Michael Piegare Foundation, started youth PAL Lacrosse in the town of Roosevelt.

Congratulations to the Garden City 2015 Boys Matthew Borges, Kyle Brattan, Nick Gray, Bryan Irwin, Scott Irwin, Brogan Mahon, Jack Tigh and Thomas Wright. Look for FLG’s tournament and camp advertisement in October’s Inside Lacrosse Magazine, www.4theloveofthegame.org.