Adult Tennis Interest Forms Are Available
The Garden City Recreation Department’s Fall Adult Tennis Lesson Applications are now available. In order to create sessions geared to the needs of our residents, we are asking any adult who is a resident in the Inc. Village of Garden City and is interested in our tennis lessons to visit the Recreation Department’s Administrative Offices at 108 Rockaway Ave. and pick up an application. Please follow the directions listed when filling out the application.
Choose the days and times you are available to play. Self-rate your tennis ability. Either drop off or mail your application to the Recreation office at 108 Rockaway Ave. by Sept. 28. Classes will then be made by grouping people of similar abilities according to the dates they are available. The 10-week, one-hour class will cost $249 and will start in early October. For further information, call 465-4075.
Peewee Sports Sampler
The very popular Peewee Sports Sampler program is being offered this fall at St. Paul’s. In this six-week program, your child will get a taste of a different sport each week as our Recreation staff takes them through some fun skills and drills. Children, ages 4-5, who are residents of the Village of Garden City are invited to register for this fun program. The cost of each six-week session will be $75. Classes will be offered according to the following schedule:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at 1:30 p.m.
Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
To register for this program, please visit the Recreation offices at 108 Rockaway Ave. Please note – children must be 4 years old by the start of the class in order to attend.
Flag Football for Third to Fifth-Graders
The Garden City Recreation Department will again offer our popular Flag Football Program at Grove and Nassau Haven Parks. This program is open to children who reside in the Inc. Village of Garden City.
Games are played in the playgrounds on weekday afternoons and during the day on school holidays. Teams will be made up of third- to fifth-graders. In order to register, visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave. or Grove Park. Schedules will be made available at the parks once the season starts. For further information, call Recreation Office at 465-4075.
Flag Football for Sixth- to Eighth-Graders
Flag Football registration for sixth- to eighth-graders will begin at Grove and the Recreation Office. This program is open to children who reside in the Inc. Village of Garden City.
Games are played at Grove Park on weekday afternoons and during the day on school holidays. Schedules will be made available at the parks once the season starts. For further information, call Recreation Office at 465-4075; or visit the Recreation Office or Grove Park to register for this free program.
Childrens’ Yoga Classes to Begin
Due to the popularity of summer yoga camp, Connie McKnight, a certified yoga instructor, has designed children’s yoga classes with all levels in mind. All classes are held in Cluett Hall at St. Paul’s and began the week of Sept. 20. Any resident of the Inc. Village of Garden City, ages 6 to 18, is invited to join these relaxing classes.
The course schedule is as follows:
Children’s Yoga (ages 6 – 11) Wednesdays at 4:45 p.m.
Tween/Teen Yoga (ages 10-18) Fridays at 6:45 p.m.
All classes are 55 minutes, run for 10 weeks, and cost $60 per session. To register for either of these classes, please visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave.
Recreation Department Platform Court Membership Application for Residents
The Community Park Platform Tennis resident membership covers anyone interested in playing platform tennis on a regular basis from Sept. 15, 2010 to April 15, 2011. This membership is open to any individual who is a resident of the Inc. Village of Garden City. It covers unlimited play for the membership holder only under the rules and regulations set forth by the Garden City Recreation Department. It does not cover any programs or special events that the Recreation Department itself chooses to run, nor does it cover guests. Said events would require an additional fee if applicable.
The fee for membership will be $225. To register for membership, visit the Recreation Administrative Offices at 108 Rockaway Ave. Checks should be made payable to the “Village of Garden City.”
Recreation Department Dance Conservatory
The Recreation Department’s Dance Conservatory Program began on Monday, Sept. 20. Creative Movement, Hip-hop, ballet, and tap for ages 4–18 are offered. Any child that is a Garden City resident may register for classes. The cost for this 25-week program is $225. There are limited openings available in our classes at this time. Visit the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave., for a list of open classes or to register.
Roller Hockey Registration Begins
There are openings available in the Hockey Leagues for ages 6-16. Please visit the Recreation Department for further information or to register.
Youth Tennis Registration Now Beginning
Session I – begins Monday, Sept. 27
Tots – Ages 4 to 5 (5 years old and in PreK)
Tuesday 3:30-4:25 p.m. TOTST $125
Wednesday 3:30-4:25 p.m. TOTSW $125
All tots classes are filled.
Pee Wee – Ages 5 to 7
(5 years old and in Kindergarten) Beginners
Monday 3:30-4:25 p.m. PWM3 $125
Monday 4:30-5:25 p.m. PWM4 $125
Tuesday 3:30-4:25 p.m. PWT3 $125
Tuesday 4:30-5:25 p.m. PWT4 $125
Wednesday 3:30-4:25 p.m. PWW3 $125
Wednesday 4:30-5:25 p.m. PWW4 $125
Thursday 3:30-4:25 p.m. PWTH3 $125
Thursday 4:30-5:25 p.m. PWTH4 $125 FILLED
Friday 3:30-4:25 p.m. PWF $125
Saturday 11:30-12:25 p.m. PWS11 $125
Saturday 12:30-1:25 p.m. PWS12 $125
Saturday 1:30-2:25 p.m. PWS1 $125
Novice – Ages 6 to 7 with Tennis Experience
Monday 4:30-5:25 p.m. NVM3 $175
Monday 5:30-6:25 p.m. NVM4 $175
Tuesday 3:30-4:25 p.m. NVTU $175
Wednesday 4:30-5:25 p.m. NVW4 $175
Wednesday 5:30-6:25 p.m. NVW5 $175
Thursday 3:30-4:25 p.m. NVTH3 $175
Thursday 4:30-5:25 p.m. NVTH4 $175
Thursday 5:30-6:25 p.m. NVTH5 $175
Friday 3:30-4:25 p.m. NVF $175
Saturday 12:30-1:25 p.m. NVS12 $175
Saturday 1:30-2:25 p.m. NVS1 $175
Ultimate Workout for children
Drills for the experienced player
Friday 5:30-6:55 p.m. Juniors ages 9-11 JUW1 $270
Friday 5:30-6:55 p.m. Seniors ages 12 and up SUW1 $270
Junior – Ages 8 to 11 Beginners
Monday 3:30-4:25 p.m. JRM3 $200 FILLED
Monday 4:30-5:25 p.m. JRM4 $200
Tuesday 4:30-5:25 p.m. JRT $200
Wednesday 3:30-4:25 p.m. JRW3 $200
Wednesday 4:30-5:25 p.m.JRW4 $200
Wednesday 5:30-6:25 p.m. JRW5$ 200
Thursday 3:30-4:25 p.m. JRTH3 $200
Thursday 4:30-5:25 p.m. JRTH4 $200
Thursday 5:30-6:25 p.m.JRTH5 $200
Friday 4:30-5:25 p.m. JRF $200
Saturday 10-10:55 a.m. JRS $200
Saturday 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. JRS11 $200
Saturday 1:30-2:25 p.m. JRS1 $200
Junior Advanced with Tennis Experience
Monday 5:30-6:55 p.m. JRADM$270
Tuesday 5:30-6:55 p.m. JRADT$270 FILLED
Wednesday 5:30-6:55 p.m. JRADW$270
Saturday 12:30-1:55 p.m. JRADS $270
Senior Ages – 12 and Up Beginners
Tuesday 5:30-6:25 p.m. SRTU $200
Thursday 5:30-6:25 p.m. SRTH $200
Friday 4:30-5:25 p.m. SRF $200
Saturday 12:30 p.m.-1:25 p.m. SRS $200
Senior/Advanced with Tennis Experience
Monday 5:30-6:55 p.m. SRADM $270
Tuesday 5:30-6:55 p.m. SRADT $270
Wednesday 5:30-6:55 p.m. SRADW $270
Saturday11a.m. -12:25 p.m. SRADS $270
Please make selections carefully as fees are not returnable.
To register: by mail only, no walk in registrations will be accepted until Wednesday, Sept. 22. We cannot be held responsible for delays in the mail. To register, pick up an application at the Recreation Office at 108 Rockaway Ave. You can also make your own by listing your child’s name, address, phone number, birth date, grade he/she will be entering in September and the session and classes for which you are registering with a first and second choice. Mail all information with full payment to the Garden City Recreation Department at 108 Rockaway Ave. Please make all checks payable to the “Inc. Village of Garden City.”