
New Hyde Park Outlines Goals for New Year

As part of its back-to-school message, in conjunction with New Hyde Park/Garden City Park Superintendent Robert Katulak’s, “The desk of Katulak’s report, the school board adopted the following goals for the new year:  

The New Hyde Park/Garden City Park School District is committed to continuously improving student achievement and will expand the Response to Intervention model in grades 3 – 6 through the district for all classroom teachers with a demonstration of a 5 percent reduction of teacher referrals of students to CSE during the year.

The Board of Education, along with the superintendent will work collaboratively with the district architect and the director of facilities to create a Capital project for renovations based on the building conditions survey.

The New Hyde Park/Garden City Park district is committed to continuously improving efficiency of our district through the implementation of year 2 of the Five Year Plan designed to improve day-to-day operations in a fiscally responsible manner and measured by the completed plan tasks on an annual basis.

The New Hyde Park/Garden City Park will implement Harcourt Social Studies Plan this year and create the frameworks for implementation to increase the academic achievement of students by 5 percent as measured by the district-wide benchmarks assessment.

The next item on the agenda was once again to go over the Capitol Plan to be voted on Oct. 12, from 6 a.m.to 9 p.m. at the Manor Oaks School, 1950 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park.

Two propositions will be on the ballot.  The first one is to use the $8. 5 million from the existing Captial Reserve Fund for projects identified by the district’s architect and principals as necessary for building maintenance/and or to address education program needs.

The second proposition will be to create a New Capital Reserve Fund to save for future projects and the possibility of paying down the existing bond debt. This part of the district’s strategic plan to achieve its goal of avoiding the issuance of debt (bonds) while ensuring proper care of the facilities/grounds.

New Hyde Park Assistant Superintendent for Business Michael Frank, once again, has he has many times before, outlined what would be included in each school as part of the Capitol Project including the following A projects, those that will sure to be addressed:

Garden City Park School-The Category A Projects-Most Needed

Concrete sidewalk and curbing replacement; exterior steps repair; remove unused driveway and replace with concrete sidewalk.

Window replacement.

Renovation of gym coaches’ office and shower area.

Renovate lower level conference room.

Interior plastic repair.

Create 10 large handicapped toilet.

HVAC to rooms that do not meet requirements.

Hot water heater installation.

Hillside Grade School

Sidewalk replacement

Replace concrete steps and repoint all cracked masonry

Replacement of window panels

Exterior door replacement

Reside all exterior aluminum and wood trim.

HVAC to rooms that do not meet requirememts.

Create one large handicapped toilet.

Manor Oaks School

Playground safety surface-ADA compatible

Interior door replacement.

Bathroom reconstruction.

Create full-size computer lab within library media center addition.

A/C installation of current network operation center.

New Hyde Park Road School    

Masonry reconstruction.

Window replacement.

Ceiling and lighting replacement.

Floor installation at gymnasium.

Construct large storage closets.

HVAC to rooms that do not meet requirements.

Library Media Center and computer lab update.

District Wide-All Schools-Category A

Gas conversion to existing boiler room

Temperature control upgrades.

The entire list of all B and C projects suggested may be obtained on the NHP/GCP.org website or by stopping in at the main office at the Manor Oaks School, 1950 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park.

The next meeting to fully explain the projects will be held at an Interschool PTA Council meeting at the Garden City Park School on Sept. 29 and then again at the regular New Hyde Park/Garden City Park School Board meeting on Oct. 4 to be held at 8 p.m. at the Manor Oaks School.