Herricks and Garden City Park
Water Working Together
The Illustrated News contacted Dr. Jack Bierwirth, Herricks School District Superintendent regarding the water pressure of the fire hydrants on the grounds of the high school.
Dr. Bierwirth said that he and the Herricks Director of Facilities, Jim Brown, are working closely with the Garden City Park Water District to correct any problems with the fire hydrants. According to Brown, there are seven hydrants involved with the water pressure. If just one is opened it is fine. It is when more than one is opened that the water pressure tends to become less.
However, the Garden City Park Water Department is in the process of flushing out all of the hydrants on the grounds. As soon as this is completed they will conduct further tests and will decide, with the district, what course to take.
Dr. Bierwirth added, “Whatever measures have to be done to ensure the safety of the children, and the school, you can be assured we will take.”