
Mayor’s Report: October 15, 2010

Parking Field 7N Reconstruction Project

The village began the reconstruction of Village Parking Field 7N (located opposite Village Hall between Stewart Avenue and Seventh Street), two weeks ago. Construction hours are between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday.  One section of the parking field will be closed at all times during the construction.  The contractor has begun work in the center section of the field behind Key Food.  The construction area is fenced and available for deliveries only. Customers are encouraged to continue to support these merchants and park outside of the construction areas within the field or on Seventh Street.

Weather permitting, and in accordance with the schedule of Phase I, the completion of the concrete curbing should be completed today. By Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010, the parking field striping shall begin and on Thursday, Oct. 14, Phase I should be completed. The westerly section of the parking field will be closed to begin Phase II.

The entire project is anticipated to take eight weeks to complete and the contractor and village will be working to maintain safety and minimal inconvenience.

Reminder — Village Recreation Department Regulations Prohibit
Dogs From Village Parks and Play Areas

I have been asked to remind residents that dogs are not permitted in the village’s neighboring parks nor on the fields at St. Paul’s and Community Park.  Please be respectful of your neighbors by not bringing your dogs into our parks while you attend your youngsters’ athletic events.

Special Thanks to the Fire Department

A special thanks is due to the Fire Department for their efforts in making Fire Prevention Day/Week the success that it was. Chief William J. Graham and our fire department do an outstanding job protecting our lives and homes.

Sanitation Collection

There was normal garbage and recycling pickup on Monday, Oct. 11. Residences west of Rockaway Avenue will have their garbage collected on Monday and Thursday and those east of Rockaway will be collected on Tuesday and Friday.  Rubbish will be collected on Wednesday.    

Railroad Parking Permits

As of Sept. 13, 2010, the village began issuing Railroad Parking Permits for the 2010/2011 year. The annual fee is $150, (this equates to approximately $.60 per day).

Permits may be obtained at the Village Business Office, 351 Stewart Ave. Residents who already possess a 2009/10 permit will receive a renewal application by mail, which may be returned to the village either by mail or in person. Please review the information provided and correct any erroneous data and/or complete any missing information. A copy of your vehicle registration must accompany your application and check. The 2009/10 parking permits will be honored until Oct. 31, 2010.

Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

The next regularly scheduled board of trustees’ meeting for the month of October is on Thursday, Oct. 21, at 8 p.m.

Village’s Website

I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.gardencityny.net. For your convenience, listed on the village’s home page is a listing of all of the restaurants within the Village of Garden City.