(Editor’s note: This letter is in response to letter in the Oct. 22 edition of the Farmingdale Observer titled, “We Were Lied To” by Brendan Mahoney.)
This letter is in response to a letter written by Brendan Mahoney entitled “We Were Lied To” which you published on Friday, October 22, 2010.
In his letter, Brendan Mahoney voices his personal outrage at the Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano’s administration’s ability to create, and pass, a working budget for 2011. One must wonder why Brendan Mahoney was so outraged at this fact, and singled out only one County Legislator by name in his vile hate-laced biased article.
So I took a closer look at who Farmingdale resident Brendan Mahoney really is, and his public background. Like most political hacks who have something, or the truth to hide from the public, Brendan Mahoney never once, in any of his ramblings, mentions that he was once an assistant to the defeated Nassau County Legislator Dave Mejias.
Make no mistake; this is where Brendan’s loyalties still lie, even with the alleged criminal charges pending against former Legislator Mejias.
No, instead, Brendan Mahoney presents his rambling insults and innuendos at the Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, and Legislator Joe Belesi, as if he were just an ordinary citizen like the rest of us. Clearly, Brendan Mahoney is still smarting and angry at the Democrat’s losses in Nassau County, especially his man, Dave Mejias.
Incredibly, Brendan Mahoney in his childish temper-tantrum-laced article is foolish enough to admit that he didn’t know what was in the Mangano Nassau County 2001 Budget, or where cuts were being made, when he wrote his letter calling Nassau County Mangano a liar.
Sadly, the ugly part of local politics is still alive and well with the likes of Brendan Mahoney and those he champions. The simple fact of the matter is this. The voters have spoken, and the old way of Democratic taxing to solve problems is no longer the preferred way of governing. If one were to re-read Brendan Mahoney’s originally published letter of October 22, now knowing what we’ve learned about him, one could conclude that perhaps Brendan Mahoney is the one offering lies to voters.
Kevin D. Hassett
Farmingdale Resident