
Town Board Finally Votes on Fence Height Amendment

At the last North Hempstead Town Board meeting, the board, after postponing a decision for three meetings (Oct. 5, Nov. 16, Dec. 14),  finally voted on a Local Law Amending Chapter No. 70, entitled Zoning which involved an agreed upon fence height for the town. The fence height for the town has been four feet all around the property. However, not all on the board voted the decision.

The final decision voted on is:  Four feet across the front of the yard; five feet along the sides from the actual line of the house and six feet along the back of the property.

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman, who said he would have preferred a lower height, voted no, as did Councilwoman Kitty Poons.   However, the new height regulations passed.

Councilman Thomas Dwyer, when he voted yes, said he thought it was a good compromise.

Restaurant Zoning for Spring Rock Driving Range


A hearing on the proposed new restaurant within the Spring Rock Golf Driving Range on the corner of Denton Avenue and Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, was postponed from Nov. 16 and Dec. 14 and was presented at the last town board meeting.

Building Commissioner Michael Levine proposed the following new language to accompany the Open Space Recreation District restaurant:  “A snack bar, concession stand and full-service restaurant shall be allowed.  The kitchen will be held to 400 square feet, which is large enough for a full-service restaurant, but not large enough to hold a catering event.  

“Further, there shall be no catering events for more than 50 people; special use authorized states that the restaurant shall close no later than 30 minutes after the close of business of the golf driving range.  

“The intent of the zone from the beginning was that any of these uses would be incidental and accessories to the primary use.

“The addition of the facility for the consumption of food outdoors requires a special permit from the Town Board of The Town of North Hempstead.

“The additional requirements stated that a refrigerated locker shall be required and no outdoor storage of garbage generated by the restaurant at anytime.  The applicant shall arrange for the indoor carryout and pickup by a licensed sanitation collector, which is always included for restaurant use.

“The other change is that if a new use is established, then new parking requirements must be required as well.“

The attorney for Spring Rock said she had been made aware of all the conditions and that a final decision would be held over until the Feb. 15 meeting.

A resident of New Hyde Park came to the microphone and thanked Commissioner Levine for his work in crafting the regulations that includes compromise and then pointed out that because it fell in the fire district for the Garden City Park Fire Department, new lines would have to be installed and possibly a new hydrant.

Supervisor Kaiman interrupted the resident and said, “I agree with you, but if they go for the additional permit they will need fire marshal approval.”

A Port Washington resident then spoke and asked what other “Open Space” zoning this would affect. She was informed that this is the only property in the town that is zoned for Open Space Recreation Use.

Movies and Film
Local Law Held Over to February 15 Meeting

A public hearing to consider the adoption of a local law amending the town code entitled “Movies and Film” has been postponed. The amendments to this law will make changes to the rules and regulations governing filming permits in order to encourage filming activities while continuing to safeguard the public against the impact of such activities This, too, has been postponed until Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the North Hempstead Town Hall, 200 Plandome Road, Manhasset.