At first we heard that the Oyster Bay Civic Association was hosting a meeting on the future of Snouder’s Corner Drugstore on Thursday, March 24. They had invited the owners, Eugene King and Frank Genovese along with a representative of the Snouder’s Corner Drug Store Foundation for an update on the status of the site and the Foundation’s efforts.
Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict the discussion has been cancelled as has the meeting itself. Instead, the OBCA will again host its next meeting with members of the OBEN school board talking about the budget on April 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Italian-American Club on Summit Street.
It has become a tradition with the OBCA prior to budget vote, in this case it will be before the board adopts the budget on April 12.
So while we are saddened about not hearing about Snouder’s we are glad the civic association will again welcome a presentation on the school budget.
And, we might take this moment to do a commercial for the local civic associations. If you are not currently a member of a local civic association, do consider joining and supporting the people who most directly support your interests.
• OBCA: or call Bill Von Novak, president (922-5551) for an application.
• ENCA: or call Matthew Meng, president (606-8053) for an application.
And as a result you will get on the OBEN/OBCA civic association’s joint calendar e-blast to keep informed in what is going on in town. We are truly lucky to have many wonderful civic minded residents who give of their time, talent and energy to help all of us. Please be sure you are one of their supporters.