Village Referendum on St. Paul’s – April 27, 2011
On Wednesday, April 27, there will be a village-wide referendum on a bond issue in the sum of $3.75 million for funding to demolish St. Paul’s. Voting will take place at the Fieldhouse at St. Paul’s School from noon until 9 p.m. Your vote, be it against funding for demolition or for the funding is very important.
Please make your voice heard.
Chiefs of the Garden City Fire Department
The Board of Trustees join me in extending our sincere gratitude to Chief William J. Graham for the dedicated and professional level of service that he rendered to our village during his tenure as Chief of the Garden City Fire Department. Special thanks is also extended to the wives and families of all of the dedicated volunteer firefighters for sharing their husbands with the Village and for all of the sacrifices that they make to assure that we are protected.
I am pleased that as a result of the fire department election, Chief Charles J. Cavarra has been elected as Chief of the Volunteer Garden City Fire Department. He will be aided during the coming year by returning members as follows: First Assistant William Castoro, Second Assistant Chief Joseph Nadolny, and Third Assistant Chief Brian Gallo. We wish them well and thank them for their continued involvement.
Garden City Police Department – Well Check Program
The Garden City Police Department in its continuing effort to provide service for the residents and in keeping with the Department’s less than two minute average response time to emergencies, wishes to remind the residents of the Police Department’s Well Check Program. This program is available to any senior citizen, a person with a disability, or to any person suffering a hardship. Police Commissioner Ernest J. Cipullo has advised me that residents can contact the Police Department and be placed on its Well Check Log. Each morning, a person who is placed on the Police Department’s Log can call in to check in and let us know if they are okay or in need of assistance. If a person who is on the list does not contact the Police Department, an attempt will be made to contact that person either by phone and/or in person. Any person who wishes to be placed on the Garden City Police Department’s Well Check Log may contact the Desk Officer at (516) 465-4101.
Happy Passover – Happy Easter
The board of trustees and village staff join me in extending our sincere best wishes for a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter to village residents.
Chamber of Commerce Easter Parade
The Annual Easter Festival and Antique Car Parade, sponsored by the Garden City Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Easter Sunday, April 24, The parade will step off from Parking Field 9E between 10th and 11th streets and will proceed south on Franklin Avenue to Seventh Street, west to Hilton Avenue. Easter bunnies will be on Seventh Street during the parade.
Please take time from your busy day and bring the family down to enjoy a great Garden City event.
Board of Trustees Meetings
The next board of trustees meetings will be on Thursday, May 5, and Thursday, May 19, 8 p.m. The meeting will be held in the boardroom at Village Hall.
Village’s Website
I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is For your convenience, listed on the village’s homepage under the Heading of Administration is a sub-heading “Water Billing Information,” which includes information on water reading.