
US Day Of Rage (Video)

Wall Street Chargin Bull
The famous charging bull in New York. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

This week, the U.S. Day Of Rage took over Wall Street.

It was a day when Americans storm the stock market’s most famous street and swarm the famous charging bull to protest on Wall Street. The protesters are demanding an end to corruption of the rich.

According to Suite 101, The U.S. Days of Rage website states that corruption “has usurped our nation’s civil and military power, spawning a host of threats to liberty & national security” and that corrupt election practices are one of the major threats to democracy in America because while the extremely wealthy individuals and corporations are able to elect candidates of their choice, politicians who are beholden to them for office will pass legislation favorable to them.

U.S. Days of Rage protests reported are to take place in New York, Portland, Lost Angeles, Austin, Seattle and San Francisco.

But the New York protest wasn’t as popular as predicted, reports the New York Post.

According to the New York Post, “Only about 300 protesters, mostly college kids and aging hippies, showed up near the Stock Exchange for yesterday’s anti-Wall Street rally — far fewer than the 20,000 that organizers of the so-called global “Day of Rage” had predicted. Police barricades were put up to protect both the exchange and the iconic “Charging Bull” statue on Broadway. The barriers hardly needed.”

Here’s the live stream from LiveStream Global Revolution:

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com