Jason Watson issued the following statement:
“Jason Watson is the Democratic candidate running for the Nassau County Legislature in the 9th District. He has been working with children and adults with autism since his graduation from Quinnipiac College where he received his Bachelor of Arts in sociology in May of 2000. Since July of 2000, he has been employed by Nassau Suffolk Services for Autism where he currently holds a position as Coordinator of Adult, Vocational, and Family Support Services.
“Mr. Watson is also a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst. He is a member of NSSA’s Human Rights and Peer Review Committees and a participant in the Long Island Task force for Aging Out, the National Town Hall Meeting for Advancing Futures for Adults with Autism, the LI Family Support Advisory Council, and the LI Quality Assurance Task Force.
“He has volunteered to review and assess grant proposals for national autism programs and has developed and implemented NSSA’s Green Team and Help Us…Help Others programs as well as NSSA’s Transition and Vocational Skill Assessment. He has worked to establish NSSA’s Vocational Volunteer Services Program and has developed many vocational opportunities for individuals with autism with numerous Long Island businesses and organizations.
“He has presented at several autism conferences on issues related to transition, vocational skill development, and community integration for students and adults with autism, as well as adult services program development.
“Jason Watson was raised in Albertson by his hardworking parents and currently lives in New Hyde Park with his wife Kirsten and his brother Jeremy. At 33 and with no previous political experience, Mr. Watson believes he will bring a new face and new mind set to local government. He understands the needs of people and the needs of Nassau County. He will bring balance, honesty, rationality, and integrity in order to contribute to effective and progressive government.”