
Letter: Citizen’s Review Board

I read with interest the recent article in the Hicksville Illustrated News on the State Senate holding hearings on LIPA’s response to hurricane Irene. I would like to know when Long Island residents can hold their own hearings on the performance of our elected state officials and ask for accountability in regards to the lack of services that we pay for.

Systematically our highway and parkway maintenance has all but disappeared, but we are still paying for these services, while other areas of the State are kept in good condition. Where is that money going? It amounts to nothing more than theft of services. As I have said before, New York officials should not be investigating the performance of others and ignoring their failure to provide the services we continue to pay for. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks!

I would encourage residents to write their representatives and ask for an explanation on this situation. Thank you.    

Owen W. Magee