
EPOA, Estates to Hold Run-off Election on January 31

Independent Candidates Challenge Incumbent Village Trustees

Garden City residents in the East and Estates Sections will have a chance to vote in a run-off election for village board trustee on Jan. 31 as challenges were announced during their respective resident electors’ meeting last week. 

At the Eastern Property Owners’ Association Electors meeting, former village board trustee and resident Jon Segerdahl announced he is challenging incumbent trustee Nicholas Episcopia and resident Michele Harrington announced she is challenging Estates candidate Brian Daughney. Deputy Mayor John Watras of the Western section and Trustee Andrew Cavanaugh of Central section were not challenged.

The name of the winner of the primary election will be placed on the ballot for the March 2012 village general election and the two-year term for village trustee begins in April 2012.  

The primary election in the East will be held on Jan. 31, at the Stewart School, from 4:30 to 9 p.m. The run-off election for Estates village trustee candidate will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 31, at Stratford School, from 4:30 to 9 p.m.

— M. Argueta