Penny Auction
Friday, February 10
VFW Anniversary Dinner Dance
Saturday, February 11
Military Bridge
Upcoming Event
Friday, February 10
Penny Auction
Old Country Road Elementary School Penny Auction held by the OCR PTA at 6:30 p.m. at Hicksville Middle School, 215 Jerusalem Ave. Contact Kim Messina for table reservations 516-644-5663.
Saturday, February 11
VFW Anniversary Dinner Dance
William Gouse Jr. Post 3211, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold its 77th Anniversary Dinner Dance from 7 to 11 p.m. at Hicksville VFW Post# 3211. 320 South Broadway, Hicksville. Table snacks, buffet dinner, open bar, raffles, dancing, DJ Gary. A good time. Donation $35 per person. For further info or tickets call: Bob Chiappone, ticket chairman VFW Post at 931-7843.
Sunday, February 12
LI/NYC Area Young Widow/ers Group
Is having a Chocolate Social to help ease the pre-Valentine’s blues. Come for a very interesting talk about the history and health benefits of chocolate. 2 p.m. at the Apollo Diner, 630 Merrick Ave., East Meadow. $10 cash + $10 minimum food purchase, separate checks. Everyone who preregisters will go home with a goody bag. RSVP to 536-1410.Walk-ins accepted on a space-available basis.
Friday, February 24
The Eyes of Learning
A non-profit organization dedicated to higher learning in the metaphysical field held at Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pky., Hicksville. Members $10; nonmembers $15. Call 731-0909. Go to Program: Lecture: “The Answers to Your Questions about Life and How to empower yourself,” Karen Garvey, author of The Answers to Your Questions about Life, MBA, channeler, intuitive and life coach. Karen will be an instrument between you and the energy realm, where your questions posed to non-physical sources will be answered. Karen’s goal is to guide you to personal happiness and to help you reveal your very best selves. Karen has the unique gift to get “answers” to virtually any question, and to assist individuals in uncovering the answers within. Everyone can find greater happiness, peace and joy by either discovering this pathway to the answers within or finding another conduit to it. It is Karen’s joy and privileged to be able to be this conduit and provide this service of helping people uncover the answers within themselves. You won’t want to miss out on this lecture where Karen will give an extraordinary voice to our purpose on earth and how to use universal truth to live a very happy and joyful life. 8 p.m.
Upcoming Event
Military Bridge
The St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Daughters of the Americas #869 annual Military Bridge, will be held Sunday, March 4 from 2 to 5 p.m. Doors open at 1:30 p.m.; game begins at 2 p.m. sharp. Enjoy an afternoon of fun and cards for just $10 which includes coffee, cake and prizes. March on down to Msgr. Tarrant Hall in St. Ignatius Loyola School, 30 E Cherry St., Hicksville (LIE Exit 41S, 1 and one half miles south on Route 107). For reservations contact Alice 433-7857.
Vendors Wanted
Holy Trinity DHS “Spring Craft Fair” on March 24 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 98 Cherry Ln., Hicksville. New merchandise, crafts, food, raffles and more. For info call 433-2900, ext. 119.
Ongoing Programs
Hicksville Mid-Island Seniors
Currently meets Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bethpage Senior Community Center. The organization is open to seniors ages 62 and older and offers trips, games and more. Call Andy for more information at 349-7801.
Port North Spring Boys Basketball
Port North is a 3-year-old independent basketball team based out of Port Washington that plays year round in the super league at Island Garden and various tournaments in the metropolitan area. The program currently has a combined record of 30 – 3 in the winter super league. The emphasis is on teaching the fundamentals, developing good practice habits and preparing players for middle and high school basketball. The team has a professional trainer with over 20 years experience. We are currently looking for experienced and dedicated basketball players in grades 4 through 10 who are interested in trying out for spring and AAU basketball. If you are interested or have any questions email
Stroke Support Groups
Stroke Life Society is a community organization of survivors and co-survivors in the pursuit of living and helping others. A stroke can be very isolating. By sharing experiences and encouraging one another, together we can face and overcome common challenges. All welcome. RSVP is requested but not required. For information and other locations and times, call Ben Thomas 398-4994. Go to
• Every first Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. in Room 12, St. Frances de Chantal, 1309 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh.
• Every second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Church of St. Jude, 3606 Lufberry Ave., Wantagh.
• Every second Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Epilepsy Conference Room, Research Building Level C, 270-05 76th Ave., New Hyde Park.
• Every third Friday at 2 p.m. at St. Bernard’s Parish Center, 3100 Hempstead Tpke., Levittown.
• Every fourth Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Room 106, St. James Parish Center, 80 Hicksville Rd., Seaford.
Weekly Events
•Bible Studies conducted by the Cornerstone Christian Church of LI every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at 250 W. Old Country Rd., Country Bridge Plaza, (behind Antun’s Catering House; nearest cross road: Route 106). For more information call 342-1552 or go to www.cornerstonechristian
•Martial Arts America in Hicksville, 300 South Broadway, holds free Child Safety workshops on Saturdays. The free workshops are offered as part of the school’s monthly community service. For more information, visit www.Maa or call 932-5275.
•Calling All Seniors. Why be bored at home? Come for fun, trips and to meet new friends. Qualifications: resident of Hicksville, Plainview or Levittown. Meetings every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bethpage Senior Center, 103 Grumman Rd. West, Bethpage. Call Andrew Grieshaber 349-7801.
•Hicksville-Jericho Rotary Club meets every Thursday at 12:15 at Caracalla Ristorante, 102 Jericho Tpke., Syosset.
•Hicksville Homemakers business meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the William Bennett Community Center, 28 W. Carl St. Come in and join the group and become a member. Classes held every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
•Social Ballroom Dance/Luncheon takes place every Friday from noon to 3 p.m. at the VFW Hall, 320 South Broadway (107 South off Old Country Rd.), Hicksville. Dance Lesson, dance host, ballroom DJ, wood dance floor. 40+. Great way to make new friend and socialize. $14pp. email or 718-332-7825.
Monthly Events
•Charles Wagner American Legion Post 421, founded in 1919, meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 8 p.m. at the Hicksville VFW Hall, 320 S. Broadway, Hicksville. During July and August the post meets only the third Monday. All eligible veterans are most welcome. Dedicated to assisting veterans, POW-MIA, military, children and community. Come and help your fellow veterans. Write to the American Legion at PO Box 925, Hicksville NY, 11801.
•William M. Gouse Jr. Post #3211 VFW meeting at 8 p.m. at 320 S. Broadway. For information call 931-7843. Meetings are held every second and fourth Monday of each month.
•William M. Gouse Jr. Post #3211 VFW Ladies Auxiliary meets at 8 p.m. at 320 S. Broadway. Meetings are held every second Monday of the month.
• Central Nassau Chapter #1592 AARP meets at 1 p.m. on the first Tuesday (except July and August) of the month at Levittown Town Hall, 201 Levittown Pky., Hicksville. Anyone over the age of 50 and a national AARP member is invited to attend. No fee. For information call 794-9158.
•Order Sons of Italy in America invites those interested to join the Galileo Galilei Lodge #2253 in Hicksville. The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Wm. Bennett Community Building, 28 N. Carl St. Join by calling Marie Matassa 931-2843 for an application.
• Board of Fire Commissioners regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month except in the month of December when the meeting is held on the first Tuesday. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. in the board room of the E. Marie St. Firehouse. Meetings are also held on the third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at which time department matters and small details are discussed with the chiefs of the department.
•Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) was founded in 1978, is congressionally chartered and exclusively dedicated to Vietnam-era veterans and their families. VVA Chapter #82 is your Nassau County Chapter and meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. at Hicksville’s VFW Hall. Call 677-5384 for further information or contact us by e-mail at Come and join your fellow Vietnam Veteran in support of each other.
•NC Mothers of Twins Club, a caring support, education and resource for parents of multiples. Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. at the Parkway Community Church, 95 Stewart Ave., on the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of July and December. Call 616-3366 or visit
•Hicksville Historical Society. The trustees, members (and guests) of the HHS meet on the fourth Tuesday of March, May, September and November in the Kenneth Barnes Community Room in the Hicksville Library at 7:15 PM.
•Catholic War Veterans. All Catholics who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces are invited to attend the meeting of Joseph Barry Post No. 1946 of the Catholic War Veterans on the third Thursday of each month at 8 pm. at the Joseph Barry Knights of Columbus Council, 45 Heitz Pl. For information on joining call 433-5008.
•Perceptual Problems Affecting Reading/Learning. Free meetings about a little-known but common perceptual problem which affects the reading and learning capabilities of children and adults are held at Perceptual Change Associates, 120 Bethpage Rd., Hicksville. Seating is limited for the twice monthly meetings being held on the first Friday and second Thursday of each month from 2 to 3 p.m. For reservations to learn more about this easily correctable perceptual problem call 822-4900.
•Bethpage Masonic Lodge No. 975 Free and Accepted Masons will meet at 8 p.m. at the Hicksville Masonic Temple, 18 W. Nicholai St., Hicksville. For information call 731-2488. Meetings are every second and fourth Friday.
•The River Flows Coffee House, an evening of fellowship consisting of conversation, board games, music that rocks. Coffee provided by Starbucks and cake are offered. Presented by The River of Life Church, 15 Marie St., on the second Saturday of each month, from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. A free will offering of $7 per adult is allocated to a “Free Lunch Buffet” and other church ministries. Donations of nonperishable, prepackaged and canned, foods and personal hygiene products are needed to provide aid for the poor or homeless and can be dropped off Sundays from 1 to 3 p.m. or by appointment. Call Pastor James Cohen 937-9226.
Ongoing Programs
An ongoing exhibit of rocks and minerals, dinosaurs and fossils, butterflies and moths and historical artifacts and curiosities in Hicksville’s historic 1895 Heitz Place Courthouse. Now featuring the “Sights and Sounds” audioguide system in English and Spanish, the Naturalist’s Gift Shop and “Butterfly Days” every Thursday afternoon. Gregory Museum, Heitz Pl. and Bay Ave. Call 822-7505 or log onto www.gregory Closed Mondays.
Eyes of Learning
A non-profit metaphysical study group held at Levittown Hall, Levittown Pky., Hicksville. Membership is $15 for individuals; $25 joint membership per year. As a member, you will continue to receive a calendar mailed to your home six times per year and be entitled to a discount at all E.O.L. programs. Contact Patricia at: Call 731-0909.
HUMC Food Pantry Open
Hunger is a real issue facing our local area. In response to this need, the Hicksville United Methodist Church, 130 Old Country Rd., opened a food pantry. The pantry is open on Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Non-perishable foods, paper goods and hygiene items are given to our neighbors in need. Contact us if you can help in any way. The pantry relies on private donations. If you would like to help fill our shelves, we accept donations. Call 516-931-2626.
Thrift Shop
The Pretty New Thrift Shop, 238 Main St., Farmingdale. The shop supports the work of Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services, Inc., a multi-service mental health and substance abuse agency located in Hicksville. The shop is open Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and accepts gently used clothing, housewares, furniture and collectibles. Call 420-1394.
Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Services
Located at 950 South Oyster Bay Rd., Hicksville. Call 822-4060. The following programs are offered:
•The Community Program open to all people over 60 who are dealing with issues related to drugs or alcohol. This is an opportunity to talk confidentially with your peers as well as having the support and guidance of a skilled professional. Medicare and most other insurances are accepted.
•A support group for those who have family members with mental illness meets Mondays from 7 to 8 p.m. The fee is $5 per family. The staff is comprised of psychiatrists, registered nurses and certified social workers. Call 822-6111.
•An outpatient substance abuse agency offering a Parenting Group on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. This group specializes in parenting issues for substance abusers as well as parents whose children use drugs. All inquiries are confidential.
•Women’s Domestic Issues group provides support and education to women experiencing domestic conflict, child abuse, substance abuse and related issues. The focus will be on education, support as well as empowerment and proactive behavior. The group will be held on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Preregistration required.
•Young Adult Drug Addiction Group for people 18 to 21 who are recovering from drug addiction. The goals are to enhance skills, increase self-awareness and work toward a drug and alcohol free life. The group meets Thursdays at 8 p.m. All inquiries are confidential.