
Top 10 Tuesday: Ways to Enjoy a Mild Winter on LI


There’s many things to be thankful for this year, and one is this warm winter.

We have not been experiencing typical weather this winter, and honestly, we’re not complaining. By late February it is usually freezing and mild weather is a thing of a past. Our windshields are frozen every morning and you would never think twice about ordering an iced coffee.

Mother Nature has been kind to us this year. This winter we can make decisions like, “You know what, I would like an iced coffee today even though it is the dead of winter and I might even go for a walk after dinner to digest.”

Let’s take advantage of this gorgeous weather, even though it is normally brutal this time of year and embrace the heck out of it! Happy winter everyone!

Here are the top 10 things to do during a mild winter on Long Island.

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