Autumn Splendor
In this delightful time of year with the leaves on the trees changing colors and the holidays coming, we invite you to visit the autumn display on the village green located at Hilton and Stewart Avenues. We thank our Village Recreation/Parks Department for this splendid decoration.
Everyone is aware with the coming of fall that it gets darker earlier in the evening and stays darker in the early morning. Please, for your own safety, reset your outdoor lights to accommodate these lighting changes.
Fire Prevention Week
All residents and friends are invited to attend the Annual Inspection and Open House on Sunday, October 14 between the hours of 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. The program will be conducted at fire headquarters and in the employee parking field, located on the west side of village hall on Stewart Avenue. This year’s theme is “Have 2 Ways Out!” There will be fire safety demonstrations, an appearance by Sparky the Fire Dog, a poster contest, refreshments and more.
Your fire department does an outstanding job to protect our lives and homes. Please stop by to show your support for them. I’m sure that your entire family will enjoy the program.
What You Can Do To Prevent The Spread Of West Nile Virus
I was recently reviewing a publication that was sent by Nassau County that contained information on protecting ourselves from West Nile Virus. Although summer is over, the risk for West Nile Virus is still great. The following are some helpful guidelines to help rid your yard of mosquito-breeding sites:
Dispose of tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots or similar water-holding containers.
Dispose of used tires. Used tires are a significant mosquito breeding site.
Make sure roof gutters drain properly and clean clogged gutters in the spring and fall.
Remove leaf debris from yards and gardens.
Turn over wading pools and wheelbarrows when not in use.
Change the water in birdbaths twice weekly.
Clean vegetation and debris from the edges of ponds.
Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas and hot tubs.
Drain water from pool covers.
Use landscaping to eliminate standing water that collects on your property.
For further information regarding mosquito, stagnate water or drainage problems, please call the Nassau County of Public Works at 516-571-6900, weekdays from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m or the Nassau County Department of Health Mosquito Treatment Call Center at 516-227-9697. For ground spraying information, frequently asked questions about West Nile Virus, please visit the Nassau County Department of Health website, agencies/Health/index.html.
Board Of Trustees’ Meeting Schedule
The next regularly scheduled board of trustees’ meeting for the month of October is on Thursday, October 18 at 8 p.m. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings so as to be thoroughly informed of village issues from a first-hand perspective.