
Mayor’s Report: February 22, 2013

Sanitation Collection – President’s Day

Village offices closed Monday, Feb. 18 President’s Day. For your convenience, correspondence for the village was placed in the Letter drop slot at the front door.

There was no regular garbage and recycling pickup on President’s Day, Monday, Feb. 18 and there was no rubbish pickup on Wednesday, Feb. 20.

The schedule for the holiday week will be as follows:

Western half of the Village (West of Rockaway Avenue)    

Garbage: Tuesday and Thursday

Rubbish: Wednesday, Feb. 27

Eastern Half of the Village (East of Rockaway Avenue)

Garbage: Wednesday and Friday

Rubbish: Wednesday, Feb. 7

Residents scheduled for recycling on Monday, Feb. 18 are asked to put their recyclables out on Monday, Feb. 25. All other recycling days will remain the same.  Rubbish collection has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 27.

Snow Storms – Help Us Help You

With the blizzard behind us, I would like to take this opportunity to thank village residents and merchants for their cooperation by shoveling walks within 24 hours following the snowfall. Looking ahead, the following suggestions are offered in an effort to reduce inconvenience to residents and to assist the village in serving your needs.

– If possible, wait until the village plows the street to clear the snow from your driveway entrance. If you can’t wait, shovel to the right onto your curbside, since most snowplows push to the right. Do not shovel snow back into the cleared street. This will reduce the accumulation of snow that will be pushed back into your driveway. This is a chronic problem. Plow operators have been reminded to reduce the speed of their vehicles in order to lessen the amount of snow that is pushed back into driveways. Please be aware that the Department of Public Works cannot shovel out driveway entrances nor can it plow any private property.

– When you hear that a storm is expected, move your car off the street into your driveway. This will speed up the plowing operation.

– Park your car, or cars, as close to the end of the driveway as is safely possible. This eliminates the need for shoveling the entire driveway to free your car when the storm has ended and the roads are safe to travel.

– If you are unable to shovel snow or are going to be away, make arrangements to have the snow cleared from your sidewalk.  Please remember that you are responsible to shovel your walk within 24 hours after the storm. This will be enforced by the police department. This is also applicable to the business community.

– When using power equipment to blow snow please do not blow the snow in the street.

– Please clear snow away from all hydrants so that the fire department can reach them without delay. Also, make sure that the snow is not blocking the address to your house.

– To facilitate safe garbage collections, a walk should be made from the sidewalk to where the garbage is kept. If this is not possible, it is suggested that the garbage be carried to the curb for pickup.

Budget Work Sessions

I would like to remind you that the board of trustees will be conducting work sessions to review the proposed 2013-14 village budget on:

Thursday, Feb. 28, 7:30 – 10 p.m. Budget Study – Work Session 3

Thursday, March 14, 7:30 – 10 p.m. Budget Study – Work Session – Final

These sessions are currently scheduled to be held in the boardroom at Village Hall, 351 Stewart Ave. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.