Nice work by John Owens on the “…Buttafuocoed” article (Anton Weekly, March 22). His take on what is needed to revitalize Long Island makes a great deal of sense. The problem, as I see it, is that we lack political leadership that has any sense of vision for this area. The politicians are too vested in partisan politics and patronage. They lack the intelligence, experience and commitment to develop any bold, creative solutions to Long Island’s challenges.
Having lived in Nassau for over 40 years and having worked in Suffolk for 20 years, it never ceases to amaze me how dysfunctional the governmental process is in both counties. It is a half-century history of one stupid decision after another; one missed opportunity after another. For this to happen in a state as great as New York, and in close proximity to a city as vibrant as NYC, is embarrassing and destructive.
Thanks for framing the economic picture and highlighting viable initiatives so effectively.
Richard Collins