“The three airports operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PA) collectively represent the busiest airport system in the United States,” said Senator Kemp Hannon (R-Nassau). “The noise generated by all these overflights has increased steadily over time, and it’s incumbent upon the PA to conduct a noise study to ensure that aircraft noise is given proper consideration by airport operators when they determine which runways and approach paths to use.”
Hannon’s legislation, passed unanimously, is Senate bill 3841, which would require the PA to conduct a noise and land use compatibility study as set forth in 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 150. That report would then be submitted to the governors and legislatures of New York and New Jersey, and would require the PA to hold biennial public hearings at which the public would be heard regarding aircraft noise issues.
“JFK, LaGuardia and Newark/Liberty airports offer convenient departure points for our residents when they wish to fly,” said Hannon. “Unfortunately, that comes at a price—aircraft noise for those on the ground. Over the years, this has steadily increased as more and more overflights have been squeezed into our airspace. Although this is primarily an issue under federal jurisdiction, I am calling upon the PA to immediately undertake a noise study and to report those findings to New York and New Jersey, so that we can safely and sensibly address airplane noise over our area.”
Part 150 of the federal aviation regulations provides a mechanism for considering the issue of aircraft noise and developing a plan to address noise issue that gives due consideration to residents effected by aircraft around the United States, including major Northeast and Atlantic region airports. Further, FAA grant funding may be available for conducting such a study as well as noise abatement efforts that may be recommended.
“With summer coming, we all like to open our windows to let the fresh air in,” said Hannon. “But this is becoming increasingly more difficult with the number of aircraft flying over our area. While safety is obviously paramount, the PA and Federal Aviation Administration must also consider the impact that this is having to residents who are constantly being subjected to the noise. My legislation will require the noise study and public hearings to ensure that airplane noise is considered when airport operators determine which flight paths and runways will be used on any given day.”
This legislation was referred to the assembly.