
Juniors Getting Ready To Sail

Recently Sagamore Yacht Club had a very successful enrollment session for the Sagamore YC Junior Sailing Program.  Members and residents of Oyster Bay alike were drawn to the program, and the club exceeded the initial enrollment expectations across the four two-week sessions starting June 25.

Parents and children were able to meet and discuss the program highlights, view the Optimist Sailing Dinghy (aka “Opti”) and speak with Bill Peterson, director of Junior Sailing, as well as Caitlin Fitzpatrick, senior sailing instructor.

Because they have been successful in securing a great fleet of boats, which includes the recently purchased Optis for the single handlers, and Blue Jays, which are ideal for children who want to experience sailing a larger dinghy with a friend, they still have room for enrollment in Session 3: July 22 – August 2 and Session 4: August 5 – 16.

If you have a son or a daughter between the ages of 8 and 14 who is interested in sailing and you would like to find out more information about the program, please contact Bill Peterson, director of Sagamore YC Junior Sailing, at 917-544-8792, / juniorsailing@sagamoreyc.com or go to www.sagamoreyc.com and look under the club activities tab.