[colored_box=”blue”]Your LIBOR story reports that former Barclays president Bob Diamond initially responded to the scandal by admitting that while manipulation occurred, it didn’t happen “on the majority of days.” The Economist said Diamond’s response was ‘rather like an adulterer saying that he was faithful on most days.’” That’s almost as nervy as the parent-killer requesting mercy on the grounds that he’s now an orphan to be pitied.
– Richard Siegelman, Plainview via email[/colored_box]
I always liked “coyote in the chicken coup,” but yea, its about the jist. In response to “New Fox, Same Henhouse: Wall Street Takes Over LIBOR.”
– @wizardofcause via Twitter
[colored_box=”blue”]As a New Yorker, I expect our legislators to do everything in their power to protect us from another Superstorm Sandy, but the NY senate, especially Senators Dean Skelos and Jeffrey Klein, failed to reach an agreement to expand clean and renewable solar power in NY. I can’t image how this common sense issue failed to pass. Just a few months ago, Gov. Andrew Cuomo laid out a simple plan to grow solar power that, if passed by the Legislature, would have kept 120,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions out of our atmosphere and powered electricity in 400,000 NY homes. Many areas of NY, including Skelos’ district in Long Island, were devastated by Sandy. Why couldn’t Skelos at least agree to pass the governor’s plan for solar? It’s time for our legislators to stop playing politics, and start solving global warming.
– Natalie Galarza, Intern with Environment New York via email[/colored_box]
Bradley Manning is a hero. We should be thanking him and giving him a Nobel Peace Prize. He should have more than a life with no sentence at all. Another prime example of how we punish the whistleblowers who did what they did for love of their country.
– Susan Reardon Clennan via Facebook
[colored_box=”blue”]#Manning won’t get 136 years. Woo-hoo! Yes We Can! Say, @barackobama, when does #DOJ indict the war criminals he exposed? In response to “Manning Trial: Max Sentence Reduced”
– @Mike93434986 via Twitter[/colored_box]
If they closed the beaches everytime someone saw a shark, they’d never be open! I should just sit out there off-shore in my boat and keep phoning in sightings one after another. What idiots! Any day I can sit out there and pull in sharks of all kinds.
– Thomas Price Angelus Fitch via Facebook
[colored_box=”blue”]Do they still print #Newsday? If so, does anyone read it? In response to “Newsday Omission in Story on Owner’s Rival Raises Questions.”
– @CJ_Marchello via Twitter[/colored_box]
Just saying..it’s not you, Press.. news comes in so fast. If you don’t jump on it and miss the story, you’re screwed. If you do jump on a story and there is more than it seems, you’re screwed. At the end of the day, The Press is the best. All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth…
– Joann Filoseta-Vernell via Facebook