Tom Suozzi is my cousin, so obviously you know I’m supporting him this November. He’s running again for Nassau County Executive because he believes that this county can be one of the greatest places to live in the country. He’s a deeply caring man that wants nothing more than to use his skills, abilities and leadership to serve his community and provide a better future for our children.
I believe Ed Mangano probably wants to do the same, however, sometimes the things I hear from Mangano and see in his commercials just don’t add up.
Mangano claims he’s fixed Nassau’s finances, but his inability to balance the budget is what led to a state takeover by NIFA. Last week, NIFA said they expect the 2013 budget to again end in a deficit and that the gap will grow to $225 million in the next four years.
Mangano claims he’s held the line on taxes, but just last week I got my new school tax bill and I see my taxes have increased again. As a teacher in the Westbury School District, I know that taxes are higher than the two percent cap schools budgeted for in May. It’s because Mangano has mismanaged the assessment system and unfairly shifted the tax burden to the schools.
Mangano criticizes Tom for accepting the increase in salary that was recommended by a bi-partisan commission in 2007 to keep the salary of county elected officials in line with surrounding areas. However, what Mangano doesn’t tell you is
that he’s accepted the same salary all four years as county executive. If he has such a problem with the salary, then why doesn’t he return the extra $260,000 to the Nassau Treasurer?
Maybe he can use the money to balance his budget.
Vincent A. Suozzi Jr.