
Letter: Honoring Veterans

The members of the American Legion Auxiliary, William Bradford Turner Post Unit #265 extend sincere gratitude to our village officials and local newspapers editors for your courtesies; and to village residents, business affiliates, visitors and merchants for your enthusiasm and generous response to our poppy drive during the month of May. Be assured that your support of that campaign allows us to directly meet the needs of veterans at our Northport VA Medical Center.

We are gratified by your respect and dedication on Memorial Day, as you shared in the spirit of the veterans in our post and our auxiliary members and we look forward to joining with you and your loved ones as we honor all veterans on Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. Observe the day with this brief ceremony beside our magnificent veterans memorial on Seventh Street near the library. For more information about the numerous veteran and veteran family support programs, please call 516-747-3889.

Jacqueline Burdi Eltringham, Poppy chairlady