Long before Lee Seeman became my successor on the North Hempstead town board, she was my friend and she remains so to this day. And that is because of who she is. Nobody cares more deeply about the good of our community than Lee.
For Lee, public service is the goal, not the means to a self-serving end. She is totally committed to the needs of all of her constituents and has the innate ability to unite factions to achieve a common good. Lee Seeman is able to do this time and again because she is hard-working, graceful and most importantly, she cares. Her dedication to the community is evident in the Town programs to which she has dedicated her efforts, such as the 311 call center which is a model for accessing public information and Project Independence which enables our area seniors to age in place in their own homes.
Please join me, my friends and neighbors in voting on Nov. 5 to re-elect Lee Seeman so that she can continue to work for the betterment of the 5th Council District of the Town of North Hempstead. Thank you.
Hon. Tony D’Urso