
Letter: Response To Common Core

After reading an article on Common Core, I agree even more. It really cuts through all the “educanese” the state is throwing at the public and fully exposes the serious flaws with the roll-out of the curriculum. You wonder how much teaching experience the people who wrote the curriculum modules have. Is the state trying to make the state program “teacher proof” by providing a virtual script for the curriculum? The curriculum is not complete and math chairs are being forced to turn to other states for a complete scope and sequence.


Of course the test results were bad because the teachers did not know what to experts, and the kids did not have the prerequisite background and knowledge that the course they were learning pre-supposed. Also, implied in the results of the tests was that the teacher was doing a terrible teaching job. An obvious teaching bashing in the public schools. There is a terrible disconnect between the tests and what the teacher is doing in the classroom. I have been through 5 curriculum changes in my career. Never have I witnessed such confusion.


Vincent Pane