
Classroom Technology—An Important Meeting

At the next board of education work session that will held on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 8:15 p.m. at Garden City Middle School, the district’s 32-member technology task force will present its findings, conclusions and recommendations about the future uses of technology in Garden City’s classrooms. This important board presentation will help parents to understand what’s on the horizon, technology-wise, for Garden City Public Schools as the district prepares its students to successfully navigate and excel in the digital world. The task force’s charge was so large that co-chairs Superintendent Dr. Feirsen and Director of Technology Dr. Rita Melikian, broke the group into subcommittees: technical advisory, digital content, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and social media. The subcommittees will report their recommendations to the board as Garden City responds to the ever-increasing importance of technology to facilitate teaching and learning.

– Submitted by Garden City Public Schools