
High School Champions

The word champion really sums up the students who were honored at a special “Breakfast for Champions” recently held at Garden City High School. The 13 students were selected from a large number of nominations by teachers in the various departments. Each department then chose only one student to be its “Champion”—a student who modeled citizenship and embodied dedication to the content area. These “Champions” were honored with heart-warming testimonials by their nominating teachers at the breakfast, accepting certificates in front of their parents, and teachers and administrators.

Congratulations to: Dana Aprigliano (Business), Dominick Avitable (Health), Brittany Costa (Music), Quinn Helling (Special Education), Vitaliy Ivasyuk (ESL, World Languages), Drew Mancusi (Art), Ryan McCartney (Guidance), Cullen Minion (World Languages), Gabriella Montanaro (Physical Education), James Murphy (Social Studies), Sabrina Singh (Science), Lauren Slovensky (English) and Thomas Wright (Math).

Submitted by Garden City Public Schools