
theHicksvilleIllustratedNews.com Calendar

Valentines Day Party

February 14

79th Anniversary Dinner Dance

February 15

Family Fun Day

February 22

February 13

High School PTSA Meeting

The high school PTSA will have a meeting at 7:30 p.m.

February 14

Valentines Day Party

There will be a Valentines Day party for singles and couples hosted by the Society Tempo Ballroom Dancing Club. In addition to a group lesson, there will be lunch, coffee, cake, a dance contest, prizes and more. At Kismet Shriners Hall at 18 W. Nicholai St. $7 for first timers, $14 for regular attenders of the club. From 12:30 to 3 p.m. For more information call 718-332-7825 or email dancezee@aol.com

February 15

79th Anniversary Dinner Dance

William M. Gouse Jr. Post 3211 will be having their 79th anniversary dinner and dance. There will be table snacks, a buffet dinner, open bar, raffles, dancing and a DJ. Donation is $35 per person. From 7 to 11 p.m. at 320 South Broadway, at VFW Post 3211. For further information or tickets, call ticket chairman Bob Chiappone at 516-931-7843.

February 17

Legion Meeting

Charles Wagner American Legion Post 421 will have their bimonthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Hicksville VFW Hall, 320 S. Broadway, Hicksville.  All eligible veterans are welcome.  For more information, email AL421@ymail.com or call 516-781-0843.

February 17-21

Schools Closed

Schools in the Hicksville Public School District will be closed for winter recess.

February 22

Family Fun Day

Broadway Mall will be having their monthly Family Fun Day. Starting at 11 a.m. at center court.

February 23

Military Bridge

The St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Daughters of the Americas #869 annual Military Bridge game will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Doors open at 1:30 p.m., game begins at 2 p.m. sharp. Enjoy an afternoon of fun and cards for just $10 which includes coffee, cake and prizes. At Msgr. Tarrant Hall in St. Ignatius Loyola School, 30 E Cherry St., Hicksville. For reservations contact Alice at 516-433-7857

Singles Luncheon

The Singles Club of Long Island is having a luncheon at the Broadway Mall Food Court. Starting at noon. For more information contact Karin at muffyandterry@gmail.com or call 516-938-0506.

Singles Event

7 in Heaven will be hosting a beginners archery and dinner party at C and B Archery in Hicksville. From 4:15 to 6 p.m. Find out more details at www.7-in-heaven.com/calendar.html

February 27

Speed Dating

7 in Heaven will be holding a speed dating event at Mio Posto Italian Restaurant, at 600 W Old Country Rd., in Hicksville. Meet 10 to 12 dates in a fun filled night. Starting at 8 p.m., for women 38 to 49 years old and men 40 to 52 years old. Cost is $38 which includes one free drink and appetizers. $28 if you bring a friend. Must pre-pay. Find out more at www.7-in-heaven.com/calendar.html

March 1

Mardi Gras Event

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish will have a mardi gras party from 6 to 9 p.m. at Monsinor Tarrant Hall. There will be food, games, a DJ and raffles. Attendees are welcome to come in costume. $5 per person, $20 per family. Children under five are free.

Wellness Fair

There will be a wellness fair at Hicksville High School from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

British War Veterans Dance

The British War Veterans of America Inc. will be having  a dance from 7 to 11 p.m. at VFW Hall at 320 South Broadway. All are welcome to enjoy coffee, cake and dancing to the Vic Vincent Group. Admission is $15. For more information call 516-739-0698.