
Change Of Watch At Sagamore Yacht Club

The Change of Watch, an annual event to introduce the officers and trustees who will be running the Sagamore Yacht Club for the coming year, was held on Feb. 1 at the club house.

Vice Commodore Jerry Lalonde, acting as Master of Ceremonies, welcomed everyone and called for the Pledge of Allegiance.

He acknowledged the past commodores who were present—Greg Bradley, Dave Roach and Richard Benson—then introduced the present commodore, Mike Gehrling, who introduced the rest of the officers.

In addition to Vice Commodore Lalonde, the other officers are Rear Commodore Kevin Curry, Secretary Deanna Flanagan and Treasurer Constantine Baris.

Commodore Gehrling acknowledged the Board of Trustees Keith Swanson, Tony Miraglia, Ken Deering, Ray Wulff, Dave Roach, Bill Peterson, Jeanne Lafiteau and two new trustees, Bill Mullan and Alan Schaub.

The commodore then thanked all the committee chair people for their hard work in keeping the club house in great shape and for running all the many events that went on during the past year,174 in all. Events included functions specifically for families, for adults and for children.

New for the coming season, the Sea Scouts will be meeting at Sagamore Yacht Club. This, along with the very successful Junior Sailing program, helps to foster the love of boating and the importance of safety on the water.

Decorations for this event included a huge ice sculpture of a fish; a delicious dinner followed.