
Waldbaums Remediation Efforts

New York State officials with the departments of Environmental Conservation and Health, came to Village Hall on March 11 for a public meeting on the Farmingdale Plaza Cleaners site. The site, located at 450 Main Street, is listed as a Class “2” site on the state’s list of

Superfund Sites. After lengthy inspections and investigations, state officials indicated that they do not feel there are any health concerns that threaten the public. The actual amount of contamination was far less than expected. Rest assured, the public water supply is 100 percent safe, and the state will continue to monitor and remedy the site and the wells are outside of the plume path.


The session was very informative and remediation is in process.


The Village of Farmingdale is as anxious as the public to move forward with any necessary remediation. Napoli Bern Ripka Shkolnik, LLP, the Village environmental attorneys, will be speaking with the state DEC on the remediation and how and when the site can be occupied after proper restoration. In the meantime, I will be engaging a planning process to discuss what the public would like to see in this location.


The following is an excerpt from the NYSDEC Documents:


The Waldbaum Shopping Plaza was reportedly constructed in 1983, at which time the Farmingdale Plaza Cleaners began operation. Investigations conducted by the EPA at the adjacent Liberty Industrial Finishing site indicated that there was a significant upgradient source of tetrachloroethene (PCE). An additional investigation by the EPA around the shopping plaza, between 2000 and 2003, identified that the source was associated with the dry cleaner. As a result of data collected during the investigation, the site was listed as a Class “2” Superfund site. 


The state DEC invites public comment regarding the remedial alternatives and proposed remedy through March 24, 2014. The public can submit comments related to the site to Mr. Chek Beng Ng, P.E., NYSDEC, Division of Environmental Remediation, 625 Broadway, 12th Floor, Albany, NY 12233, or email cbng@gw.dec.state.ny.us.


For more information on the site you can visit www.dec.ny.gov/cfmx/extapps/derexternal/haz/details.cfm?pageid=3&progno=130107.