
Students Of The Month

New Hyde Park Memorial High School recognized Sam Kooran and David Rackoff as its Students of the Month. Kooran is an outstanding student devoted to both his living environment class and science research. He is a student that goes above and beyond any classroom setting when it comes to science.

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David Rackoff


Kooran is the go-to guy when it comes to answering questions that go above and beyond the normal classroom setting. He is a great student, liked by all his teachers and classmates. 


Kooran did extremely well in both marking periods and is also continuing his great work in the third marking period.


Kooran is a student who possesses a strong work ethic and a commendable curiosity about the scientific world surrounding him.


The New Hyde Park World Language Department recognized Rackoff, who is currently enrolled in Mr. Grossi’s Spanish 3 class. His hard work and determination is demonstrated on a daily basis. Rackoff currently has a 100 grade point average.