
theHicksvilleIllustratedNews.com Calendar


May 1-3

Vendors Night

May 2

Car Wash for Cancer

May 4

May 1-3


The Holy Trinity Performing Arts Department will be presenting the musical comedy, Curtains at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10. At Holy Trinity Diocesan High School, 98 Cherry Lane in Hicksville. For more information email hths98@holytrinityhs.echalk.com or call 516-433-2900.

May 2

Vendors Night

The Hicksville Middle School PTSA is holding a vendors night at 6 p.m. in the Middle School large gym. There will be several vendors, a raffle basket and 50/50. Admission is $5 per person for those 14 and up. Each admission comes with three raffle tickets.

May 4

Car Wash for Cancer

Holy Family CYO will host its seventh annual Car Wash for Cancer from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Holy Family School, 17 Fordham Ave. in Hicksville. Proceeds will be donated to the family of Dale, a local 13-year-old boy battling cancer. Dale has undergone 28 cycles of chemotherapy and surgery to remove four ribs. The results have been positive, but the family has been faced with many medical bills. For those who cannot attend the car wash, donations are also being accepted. Checks can be made payable to the Lexiebean Foundation and mailed to Ed Hebron, 2 Mitchell Ct., Hicksville, NY 11801. For more information please contact Ed Hebron at 516-761-6647 or hebsweb@optonline.net. Rain date is May 18.

Anniversary Dinner and Social

The Singles Association of Long Island will be having a dinner at Applebee’s located at 938 S. Broadway in Hicksville. $3 plus the cost of the meal. For ages 25 and over. At 7 p.m. RSVP by May 2. For more information email singlesassofli@optimum.net

Family Communion Breakfast and Mass

The Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes will hold their annual family communion breakfast and mass at St. Ignatius Church. Breakfast will follow the 9:30 a.m. mass at the Knights of Columbus Hall, at 45 Heitz Place. Admission is $15 per person, $24 per couple, $30 per family. There will be surprise guest speakers. Call Grace at 516-931-2529 for reservations.

May 7

Spring Shopping Extravangza

Shop over 60 vendors selling jewelry, handbags, household items, handmade craft items and more. At Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pkwy. in Hicksville. From 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. For more information contact gardinersavenuepta@hotmail.com

May 10

Flea Market

Parkway Community Church will hold its annual flea market, plant sale and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain or shine. The church is located at 95 Stewart Ave. in Hicksville. For more information call t he church office at 516-938-1233.

May 12

Ladies Auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary has their monthly meeting at William M. Gouse Jr. VFW Post 3211 at 320 S. Broadway. At 8 p.m. For more information call 516-931-7843.