
Hop In, The Water’s Great

Stewart Manor Pool opens for season

To the delight of its members, the Stewart Manor Pool opened for the season on Friday, June 13. The ominous-looking clouds that hovered to the north and west were no match for the cheerful crowd that lined up in the parking lot prior to the pool’s 4 p.m. opening. It’s become tradition in Stewart Manor to line up long before the gate opens in an attempt to claim the coveted honor of being the first to jump into the pool each new season.

Pool co-supervisor Kevin Wolfring enhanced the excitement with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Once inside the entrance gate, the crowd stood behind a yellow ribbon, which was cut by Stewart Manor resident Brenna Marquino. Wolfring later donned his DJ cap and spun tunes to add to the already festive atmosphere. He and other staff members managed to squeeze in the much-anticipated ice cream sundae bar before Mother Nature stepped in and dampened the party.

The pool will host many time-tested events this summer, including family nights and ice cream sundae nights on alternating Fridays, float night, movie nights, an adult pool party, water Olympics, arts and crafts, horse racing, karaoke, name that tune, bagel Sundays, and the annual talent show. Swim team practice begins on Saturday, June 28, and swim lessons start on Monday, July 7. For a full schedule of events, visit the village website at stewartmanor.org and click on the “Pool” tab on the left-hand side.